Well, ask yourself, “Who would have bothered to keep a record of the arrival and passing of this simple carpenter?” For a start, Jesus would not have even rated a mention from the Romans, even after Pontius Pilot, reluctantly, obliged the false-messiah-hating-Jews, by adding Jesus to the crucifixion list for the day; this lowly, unremarkable Man, did not come to Rome’s attention until after Emperor Constantine saw some political value in Christianity and adopted it as the national religion. However, by then it was history, not news.
The Jews did not believe that Jesus was anything more than another false Messiah, so why would they have kept a record? Even if they did, they did not even manage to preserve an original copy of their Bible, when Rome attacked Jerusalem in 72ad and destroyed the Temple. So that only leaves His disciples and followers, who, I have no doubt, would have testified that a man was healing sick or maimed people. However, Jesus’ witnesses were not Pharisees, or princes, they were simple folk without a voice, and would have had nowhere to store anything, other than their humble abodes which would have suffered collateral damage from Rome’s invasion.
When the Romans invaded Jerusalem in 72ad, it was to eliminate the Jews because of yet another Jewish uprising. Sadly, but intentionally, because God’s plan to eliminate evil required animosity between the Jews and the Gentiles. God, through Jesus, told His followers to, "Remain in Jerusalem, because some of you will still be alive when I return." Unfortunately, this statement by Jesus, guaranteed that not only were the disciples annihilated, so were most of their testaments, and so, the only proof that Jesus ever existed, comes to us, greatly exaggerated, via Paul or his disciples who never walked with Jesus or anyone who did.
It has been my pleasure, with God’s help, to identify the original writings of the disciples in the New Testament, which somehow, managed to survive, particularly in the Gospel of John.
Gerald Calvert (one of the many Branches growing out of the Rod. Isa 11:1b)