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Understanding Isaiah 53

Writer: Gerald CalvertGerald Calvert

Updated: Jan 27

The sister of James Zebedee, J??? Zebedee, leaning on the shoulder of her husband, Jesus
The sister of James Zebedee, J??? Zebedee, leaning on the shoulder of her husband, Jesus

Please be aware that by not reading from the beginning of my book, “The Papacy Can Now End” some of the statements made in this chapter will be lacking the evidence provided in earlier chapters. GC


I do not believe that Isa 53 can be fully understood without a correct understanding of Isa 11. As you know, Isaiah 11 is an allegory based on the life of a tree. The first half of Isa 11:1 states that a Rod or Twig, (in Australia we would call it a sucker) shall grow out of the stump of Jesse; this of course means that another generation of Jesse will be born and chosen by God in Isa 42:1-6. Then, together with Isa 53:10 and 11:10, the Rod, Jesus, was too and did, call the Gentiles after becoming the Way to salvation, but He was not yet the Mashiach.

The second half of Isa 11:1, together with verses 2-6, 11&12, refer to the Branch growing out of the Rod, another generation, who will now call the Jews from the four corners of the earth, as per God’s plan. However, not militarily.  It is the Branch, the second coming of Jesus returned like a thief in the night, who is the Messiah and the Spirit of Truth or the Comforter. However, the Branch could not be chosen from the seed of Jesus and His wife, Joan??? Zebedee, alias Mary Magdalene, until the prince of this world was judged in 1945, without having produced another host to transpose into.

How can I claim to have the correct understanding of the many mysteries in the Bible, I hear you ask? Well, the simple truth is that in the middle of my life, 42 years ago, I was merely an agnostic and did not know enough to deny what was being inspired to me. Unfortunately, although God can inspire anyone, those who have devoted their life to studying a subject, generally disregard anything inspired to them that contradicts what they already know to be true. Note the amount of innovation that comes from lay people.

I am sure you would already have wondered why God has mostly chosen people who knew little or nothing of what they were called to do, which was to advance God's plan for the elimination of evil. Moses, for instance, did not even know he was a Shemite for 40years and then lived with the Midianites for the next forty. Isaiah was no more than a good man of God before he was chosen with a revelation to prophesize what God intended to do. Paul of Tarsus never walked with Jesus, nor with anyone who did; this allowed God to inspire Paul of the nonsense that a Monotheist God now had a son. Such claim by Paul, together with enough adulteration of the Law of Moses, which Jesus said He would not do, was to reciprocate the hatred the descendants of Japheth now had for the descendants of Shem for crucifying the supposed Christ. God needed satan to believe that the Gentiles of Japheth Gen 10:5 KJV would not interfere when his people from Ham attempted to wipe God’s people off the face of the earth so that he could continue as the prince of this world for all eternity. God help us.

In conclusion, during His first appearance, Jesus was never meant to be the Messiah. Jesus had only two prophecies to fulfill and did both willingly and to God’s satisfaction. He became the Suffering Servant as the Way, to forgive our past sins. And He called the Island people of the Gentiles that waited for His call, Isa 42:4.

A Brief Summary of God’s Plan, which was to Eliminate Evil from the World.

On day one, God did not need to create the heavens; Nothing was already there and as nothing is infinite and goes on for ever, the cosmos will continue to expand indefinitely. God created not only the Earth on day one, but also the entire Solar System, including the Sun, before He created photo synthesis, as you would expect. Moses just got verse 16 out of order, it should follow verse three; those stars in verse 16 are the planets, the Cosmos He created on day 4.


On day two, when God called for a firmament, He created water to form the oceans and dumped it on the liquid Earth to form a firm surface that Moses correctly called Heaven, the only one there is.


In the mid-13th century, ‘firmament’, from the Latin firmamentum, or firmus ‘firm’ literally means a support or strengthening. See adjective ‘firm’ used in Vulgate to translate Greek stereoma, meaning ‘a firm or solid structure’ and which, in the Old Testament, translated the Hebrew raqia, a word used for both ‘the vault of the sky’ or the floor of the earth’. Literally, it means ‘expanse’ from raga‘ to spread out’, but in Syriac, it means ‘to make firm or solid’. 

There was no atmosphere on a liquid, molten Earth until after God created vegetation.


On day three, God created the first miniscule living cell. However, He then reproduced many Googleplex’s of identical copies. Unimaginable numbers, greater even than the grains of sand and seeded the whole earth. Over the next three days, all life evolved separately from each of these, in His super-computer like Mind. Because every living thing has this same small part in their DNA, it appears that everything evolved from the same thing. However, every cell experienced different conditions and so, one may have evolved into a horse, while another evolved into a snail, but a turtle could never evolve into a dog. In other words, evolution only ever occurred between species.

On day four, God did not make a mistake by creating the stars twice. He now created the stars and Galaxies and placed them in the nothing and called it, 'the firmament, i.e., expanse of the heavens’. Note the lowercase 'h' used here in heavens.

On the afternoon of day six, God chose, and further evolved in His mind, the two most suitable animals that were to become modern Man. Neanderthal as God’s people and Homo Sapiens as satan’s people. Both were equal in every respect except aesthetically. One was auburn and one black, but sadly, they had different mentoring. Never the less, both had free will and the intelligence to choose what was right from wrong. Around 130,000 years ago, not the unbelievable several thousand years ago of the Bible, sped up evolution slowed to earth time. However, God did not require Moses to extend the length of Genesis sufficient to cover the long uneventful period between Creation and the time of Noah's flood, around thirty thousand years ago, give or take a couple.

Although God impressed on Adam that he was to protect Eve from the whiles of satan’s people, she eventually gave in to the temptation of the serpent, an allegory for satan’s first host, peoples and edan, created to please satan because he only likes the opposite to what God loves. The result of this seduction resulted in the birth of Cain, half good and half evil, temporarily destroying God’s plan to separate Himself from satan so that he would no longer be aware of what God created. Satan must be aware of something through the senses of his host, before he can destroy it.

Many times satan’s host was able to seduce the wives of God’s host, and soldiers, which resulted in cuckoos in God’s nest, including Cain, Ham, Ishmael and Esau; they were all the result of adulterous unions between the patriarch’s wives, and the descendants of Cain.

In time, after some of the sons of Man, i.e., Cain, caught up with the daughters of God, i.e., Seth, in Southern Europe, Mrs No Name Noah was also adulterated, giving birth to Ham, another half good and half evil cuckoo, this time in Noah's nest. Although most believe this lascivious behavior was why God decided to start again and flood the world, there was an even more important reason.

Although there were now several races after Eve was seduced, they had all been moved to their respective continents before God slowly widened the four rivers, i.e., canals, separating the tectonic plates of Pangaea, the Garden of Eden. Therefore, because satan was no longer aware of any people except those that were mixing with God's people, God now only needed to flood southern Europe. The real reason for this was that God now had two righteous sons in Shem and Japheth to satan’s one deviate in Ham and was now able to separate His two sons in Babylon so that Ham could only follow one or the other, leaving the Island people of the Gentiles of Japheth (KJV) to multiply on the northern coastline of the Mediterranean Sea totally out of sight, and therefore adulteration, of Ham. There are no islands on the southern coastline, so Japheth must have gone to the opposite side to Shem for them to be known as Island Gentiles. Coastland people (NIV etc) can be any people anywhere there is a coastline.

There is indisputable evidence, in any version of Genesis, that it was Abraham who was infertile, as was Isaac, who inherited it from his father. Ishmael was not Abraham’s son to Hagar, that is a provable furphy, introduced by Moses to protect the reputation of the patriarchs. Because Abraham lost faith that God would give him a son from his own bowels, he took Sarai down into Egypt and allowed Pharaoh Abimilec/satan to come in to her, which resulted in the illegitimate Ishmael. Therefore, as Ishmael was not Abraham’s biological son, Muhammed could not have been the next prophet after Jesus, as he claimed, and neither could Islam be an Abrahamic religion. Sadly, Muslims are following a fake religion as surely as Christians are following a fake version of what Jesus really stood for. Islam is nothing more than an invading force that killed or exiled the Jews in the 7th cent CE and by force they lost it again in 1945, when they allied with satan’s then host, Hitler, and were defeated, allowing Canaan to be returned to the rightful owners.

Rebekah did not have two nations in her womb, which I believe would be near impossible. Moses just used a different strategy to protect the good name of Isaac because he also was sterile. Esau was also a bastard son of a Pharaoh, supposedly Abimelech. Despite Isaac having come to accept Esau as his heir, Jacob was Isaac’s first born and Rebekah knew that their biological son had to be the line of the Messiah, so she invented the savoury meat and hairy-goat, story.

A Short Insight into the New Testament

After God empowered Jesus to perform just enough healing miracles to convince some of the ordinary Jews to acclaim Him as the Messiah, and attract the attention of the Gentiles, the Pharisees and the Seduces wanted to, and did, kill Him for blasphemy.

God’s purpose for choosing Paul to call the Gentiles of Japheth was twofold. First, God needed the Gentiles to seek out Jesus, which means, rapidly become Christians. That is why God inspired Paul to allow the Gentiles to become Christians without being circumcised or without first becoming a Jew. And for good measure, Paul claimed that this new god could turn water into wine. Second, by allowing Paul, the ensign, to adulterate the law, which Jesus specifically said He would not do, it provided reciprocal hatred of the Christians by the Jews. This theological separation of the two brothers was now necessary to replace the physical separation that had been provided by the barrier of the Mediterranean Sea when the brothers were separated in Babylon. God needed satan to believe that the Christians hated the Jews as much as he did and therefore would not come to their aide if he tried to annihilate them. However, despite having been allowed, even encouraged, to become pagan barbarians, the Gentiles were direct descendants of Noah’s other righteous son, Japheth. And so, they were still able to be inspired by God to go to the aide of their brethren. When they did, that was checkmate. Satan’s host dying without having produced another son to transpose into, meant that without his host’s senses, he would not be aware of what was happening, and if satan is not aware of something, he cannot destroy it. All that remains, is the final war of good against evil.

All will now be compared to the achievable righteousness of the Branch, not the perfect, Rod. Those that equal or surpass the righteousness of the Branch, i.e., the Spirit of Truth, will be inspired to join Nazerene Christianity. The Jews will not to be called to Judaism, they are already that, and neither will they be called to Israel. Israel is neither large enough, nor befitting the millions of Shemites that have been martyred since the time of Noah. Jerusalem will become a shrine. Jews will now live in the tents of Japheth in Europe, the most beautiful continent on earth, i.e., become the same people, again, and worship God as one, as we all must now do.

Gerald Calvert





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