Before we can discuss why God sent Jesus to the Jews first, I need to give you a summery of who the Gentiles are and why God needed to call them. Knowing a little of God’s plan for Creation will also help.
I think we can all agree that if God is the creator than satan is the destroyer, and the destroyer has forever destroyed the beautiful things that God has created, simply because satan only likes chaos and disorder. Many years ago, earth-time, certainly more than the mere five or six thousand years indicated by the longevity of the patriarchs prior to the flood, the Bible has been very vague regarding this period, only giving us a glimpse of our history prior to Abraham. However, I have been inspired of the evidence from Genesis that the whole Solar System, including the Sun, was created on day one, approximately 130,000 years ago.
All that exists in the Universe is Positive and negative energy, God and satan, i.e., the Elohim. On day one the Solar System was the first matter to be computed from energy, followed on day two by the firmament; this will be confirmed in a later post. The firmament, i.e., firm surface, occurred when God quenched the spherical molten Earth (it was therefore, also without voids) with the water to form and separate the oceans above, from the liquid earth below. Despite the disparity between the size of the Solar System and the microscopic living matter, because the Solar System was inanimate, it was far less difficult to create than living matter. The first cyanobacteria took God a full 24 hours to produce, but once having done so, He now had the DNA to produce identical copies in quantities greater than the stars in the Cosmos, and seeded the oceans of Heaven. (Note the upper case ‘H’ in Gen 1:8) Over the next four days, each of these bacteria with the same DNA, evolved in the mind of God into an unimaginable variety of unique species, both flora and fauna, all of which now only appear to have evolved from a single beginning.
During the fourth revolution of Earth, simultaneously with days three through six, during which evolution occurred, God created the stars, i.e., the Cosmos. However, in verse 16, when God made the Sun, it says that “He made the stars also”. However, He was to make the stars and galaxies on day four, so, as was revealed to me, the stars in Gen 1:16 are the planets being created. God was not crazy, He didn't make photosynthesis-dependent life, before making the Sun, Moses just got verse sixteen out of order, verse sixteen must be moved to follow verse three.
On the afternoon of the sixth day, after a number of culls and fresh starts, God chose the most versatile animal to have evolved, then, following further concentrated evolution in God’s mind, which scientists call the missing link, one human that we know as Adam, became the host for the Holy Spirit, while another human, who we only know as “the serpent,” hosted the un-holy spirit, the father of Cain.
Both The Holy Spirit and the un-holy spirit would experience the world through the senses of their host, but if their host died before having produced a male offspring to transpose into, that would be checkmate. This was the war between good and evil but naturally, God could not be the aggressor. Before God could use His Divine power, He must wait for satan to attack his soldiers, but then, if satan’s host has already produced a son before he attacks God’s soldiers, God could do no more than to make a token gesture of protecting His soldiers, playing possum for now, to deceive satan into thinking that he is more powerful than God.
So those are the rules of engagement. Apart from satan’s host seducing Eve and producing Cain, and Cain then killing Seth, there was little happening until the sons of man (Cain) came in to the daughters of God (Seth) who had crossed into Europe when God exiled them from Edan, across the land bridge at Gibraltar that existed 130,000 years ago. During this period of adulteration, Mrs No Name Noah was seduced by Lamech, the then host of satan, and she produced another half good, and half evil son, called Ham. However, God was quick to take advantage of this situation, where He now had two righteous sons to satan’s one bastard. God now separated Shem and Japheth by confusing their language at Babylon, sending Shem south of the Mediterranean Sea, closely followed by the adulterer, satan/Ham, while Japheth He sent to the north side of the Mediterranean Sea.
With satan, out of sight is out of mind, and so Japheth multiplied unbeknown to satan in the “Isles of the Gentiles” (Greek Isles) and became ‘the Gentiles’ that The Rod was to call. However, when ships began to regularly cross the Mediterranean Sea, it was time for God to choose the Rod and reclaim the Gentiles. However, God needed to call them in such a way that satan would not become alarmed by these millions of people claiming to worship the same God as the Jews. So alarmed in fact, that he would never attempt to annihilate God’s chosen people, in which case, His plan to ground satan, would have failed. Now read why Jesus had to go to the Jews first.
Since the time of the flood some thirty thousand years ago, after the descendants of Cain and Seth first came in contact with each other in southern Europe, in order to boost satan’s confidence that he could defeat the soldiers of God to become the prince of this world for all eternity, God has been obliged to allow His first-line-of-defence-people from Shem, to be sacrificed almost to extinction.
The purpose of this was that, should satan's soldiers from Ham, finally attempt to exterminate the few remaining Jews, God would be able to call on the Gentiles, now Christians, to come to their rescue. Since the time of Noah, God facilitated the Gentiles of Japheth to degenerate into pagan barbarians, which was to convince satan that they would never come to the rescue of their ultra-righteous brethren from Shem. But the Romans had many Gods and were too anti-Jewish for someone in sandals and a corn sac cloak, to rock up claiming to be here to save them; they would have fed Him straight to the lions. So now, read God’s plan that had the Romans literally seeking out the man that Jesus sent as the ensign to call the Gentiles. Isa 11:10.
Although the Jews believe that anyone who is not a Jew, is a Gentile, the first mention of Gentiles, is in the KJV of Genesis, the version that was translated specifically for the Gentiles in Europe, and the only Bible that confirms everything I have been inspired to tell you. Genesis 10:5, by these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.” That verse confirms what I was first inspired of, that the only Gentiles are the descendants of Japheth, the oldest of Noah's two righteous sons, who lived on, or adjacent too, some islands. However, as there are no islands on the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, only on the northern shore, we can say with certainty, that after God confused their language in Babylon, He must have sent Japheth to the northern shore, adjacent to the Greek Islands. From there his descendants spread out to become the multilingual European nations. Other translations lose this very important information when they change, Isles of the Gentiles, to coast-land people, which could be anyone, anywhere there is a coastline.
Because the Gentiles were still descendants of Seth, although God had to allow them to degenerate into pagan barbarians, He was still able to speak into their conscience to reclaim them to the Rod, Isa 11:10; then in Isa 42:4 The Isles shall wait for His call.
Eventually, when ships were able to cross the Mediterranean Sea regularly, satan became aware of the millions of people in Europe. Now, to avoid satan becoming so alarmed that he would never risk trying to become the prince of this world for all eternity by eliminating Gods people, God had to employ another way of maintaining the separation of Noah’s two righteous sons. God now fulfilled the prophecy He had given Isaiah many years previously, He chose His Elect Servant Isa 42:1, and Isa 11:1a and 10 to call the Gentiles, and to provide The Way that our past sins can be forgiven. But how was God's elect Servant, Jesus, going to call these pagan, barbarous Roman Gentiles? Had the Rod gone straight to the Gentiles, they would just have fed Him to the lions, so as we know, God sent Jesus to the Jews first.
For whatever reason, the Jews were already anticipating the appearance of their Messiah, so they would be far easier to convince that He had arrived than the Gentiles. God merely put His Spirit on Jesus and empowered Him to perform a few healing miracles in front of His wife and friends. Not the unbelievable miracles invented by the Pauline Christians, albeit also part of God’s plan, but enough for them to begin thinking that He might be their anticipated Messiah. Jesus had noticed that his attempts to help people were having spectacular results and soon a few more of His friends began tagging along, becoming increasingly hopeful that something very big was happening. His disciples, as they were referring to themselves now, were pretty much convinced by His unbelievable ability to cure even lepers and the blind, that He was indeed the promised Messiah. In time, because God was inspiring them to claim that He was the Messiah, Jesus attracted the attention of the Jewish bureaucracy, angering them because they knew that He did not have the attributes of the promised Messiah. As Jesus healed more and more people, His followers increased in number and grew louder in claiming him as the Messiah. However, Jesus himself never claimed that, and never failed to uphold the beliefs and customs of His Jewish upbringing Matt 5:17, so it was not for His adulteration of the Law, at that stage, that the Jews wanted Him gone.
Eventually, when the Pharisees arrested Him, it was for blasphemy, even though it was not Jesus claiming to be the Messiah, it had the desired effect of attracting the attention of the Gentiles, then, when the Pharisees charged him in the Gentile’s court of Pontius Pilate, Rome was notified that someone performing amazing miracles and claiming to be the anticipated Messiah, was officially crucified, dead and buried by Pontius Pilate, Rome had to take notice. All God needed to do now, was to appear to bring Jesus back to life, for it to echo across the known world.
Now enter Paul of Tarsus, a respected senior Jewish leader. Paul has just witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus and now he believes he is seeing Him alive again on the road to Damascus. Although he was not one who had known Jesus or even anyone who had, Paul instantly became convinced that his people were guilty of crucifying the Messiah and that Jesus must be God, or the son of God or both. So, off this well-respected Rabbi went to spread the word that he knew nothing about. First, to tell his own people that they had crucified the Messiah and eventually, after having caused such a commotion as to be heard in Rome, to tell the Gentiles that they were right, Jesus was the Messiah, that the Jews had totally lost their standing with God in favour of the Christians, and that circumcision and Torah study, were no longer necessary to become a Christian. Besides, this new god could turn water into wine. If God’s purpose was to prove to satan, as it was, that the Christians now hated the Jews with a passion for crucifying the Messiah, and that Jews hated the Gentiles for adulterating the Law, eliminating circumcision, teaching that God had a son, and accusing them of crucifying the Messiah, then He certainly achieved that. Satan was now totally convinced that the reciprocal hatred between them was such that these pagan Christians, who were more like his disciples then God’s, would never come to the aid of the Jews if he attempted to exterminate them.
Now, to prevent the far less offensive message that Jesus actually taught the Nazarene Christians, from contradicting Paul’s outrageous adulteration of the Jew’s Law, God, through Jesus, told His followers and the disciples, that some would not see death before He returned. And so, when Rome invaded Jerusalem in 72ad, neither the disciples nor the Nazarene Christians would leave Jerusalem and so became the first of many Christian martyrs.
As God had planned, the animosity between the Jews and the Gentiles would continue until God’s trap was sprung, and satan’s host Hitler and his Nazis, finally risked eliminating the Jews even though he had not yet produced a son to transpose into on his death, and so, when the prince of this world was judged John 16:11 in 1945, his ability to get around to observe and adulterate through the senses of his host, ended for all eternity.
Although Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life," the Rod coming forth out of the stump of Jesse, was only the Way, not yet The Truth or The Life. As well as becoming the Way when He gave His life to forgive our past sins, Jesus had only one other prophecy to fulfil, and that was to call the Gentiles, as explained above. However, a seed (descendant) of Jesus Isa 53:10, became the Truth in 1945 because the prince of this world was judged, which allowed God to choose one of the Branches growing out of the Rod, as a living example of righteousness or unrighteousness that you must attain, to be part of the resurrection. The Truth, is also the Spirit of Truth, the Jew’s real Messiah, the Helper, the Comforter, and the Holy Ghost, but definitely not the Holy Spirit, which is God.
God bless all who love God and give wisdom to those who do not yet.
The Spirit of Truth