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Writer: Gerald CalvertGerald Calvert

Updated: Jul 23, 2024

It is a contradiction of terms to suggest that a monotheist-God can have a son. Does that mean there is a Mrs God as well? Of course not. Also, if you believe Jesus was with God, “In the beginning”, John 1:1 then you negate the one thing that differentiated Judaism from paganism, i.e., Monotheism. Maybe you think God just made a son on the spot, but if that were the case, what was the sacrifice in Jesus being crucified, God could just as easily make a couple more, besides, if Jesus was God, He would only feel as much pain as He wanted. No, that was not what happened. The very instant Jesus was conceived in Mary’s womb, by Joseph Isa11:1a, God began talking into the developing mind of Jesus, to produce the most righteous Man that would ever live. God continued to mould Yeshua ben Yosef’s righteousness through His toddler years, through His school days, and into His early adulthood. God would have been delighted with Jesus’ choice of the pure and gentle John Joan Zebedee, whom He married in Cana at the beginning of His 3rd decade.

This perfect, sinless Man, descended from Jesse, finally realized that God wanted Him to, and He was prepared to, sacrifice His life, and that God would resurrect Him in 3 days. How many of us would have been prepared to give up our life because an inspiration in our brain suggested we should. Humans have an innate sense of survival, which made Jesus’ preparedness to sacrifice His life for Mankind, far greater than God sacrificing a son that He could replace in a flash. Besides, perfect humans were harder to find than sons of god. It was not until Jesus was hanging on the cross that the magnitude of His selflessness was apparent to all, when He cried in anguish, “Father, Father, why have Thou forsaken Me”. Few things make me emotional, but Jesus, agonizing on the cross over whether He had imagined it all, certainly upsets me. It was not until He was resurrected three days later, that Jesus finally knew for certain that He had NOT been suffering from a devil.

Claiming Jesus to be anything but a beautiful example of a Human being, who willingly gave up His life for us, shows a total lack of appreciation for the gift of His life. As time went by, Jesus became more and more sure that God was grooming Him to become The Way, but would He be able to drink of that cup, and what about His wife and children? It would be a huge sacrifice, not only for Him, but for His young family who would grow up without a father. Jesus had mentioned His growing beliefs to a couple of His friends today, i.e., His wife Joan and her brother James Zebedee; they were not too sure about His mental health at that stage, maybe He had a devil, but they kept that to themselves, resolving to keep an eye on their friend to make sure He did not start thinking He had to, kill Himself.

It was about this time that Jesus noticed His attempts to help a sick person had astonishing results, in as much, as the man immediately became well. After that, a few more of His friends began tagging along, becoming increasingly hopeful that something very big was happening. His disciples, as they were referring to themselves now, were pretty well convinced by His unbelievable ability to cure even lepers, that He was indeed the promised Messiah. That is why God sent Him to the Jews first, because they would be easier to convince than the Gentiles. But Jesus himself, never claimed that, and never failed to uphold the beliefs and customs of His Jewish upbringing Matt 5:17. So, during his walk, it was not for adulterating the Law, that the Jews wanted Him gone, it was because His Nazarene converts were claiming Him as the Messiah, when they knew that He was not.

Fortunately for us, before The Rod became the only sacrifice that God would accept for our past sins, God made sure that Jesus' perfect genes carried on through His seed, Isa 53:10, so that 2000 years later, He was able to choose the Branch* growing out of the Rod, Isa 11:1b after the prince of this world was judged in 1945.

* The Spirit of Jesus lives on in the hundreds, if not thousands, of His and Joan Zebedee's male descendants, from whom God has now chosen The Branch. The Branch is also the Truth, the Helper, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Ghost, but definitely not the Holy Spirit, which is God.

Poetic licence and telling lies for God, has turned Christianity into an unbelievable fairy tale.

The Spirit of Truth



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