These two words, Holy Ghost and Elohim are consistently misunderstood in the Bible. Holy Ghost is used 90 plus times in the KJV Bible, incorrectly in every case except for John 14:26, But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, (The Comforter is a descendant of Jesus; as Jesus was a descendant of Jesse). Other Bibles I have checked, replaced all 90 uses of Holy Ghost with Holy Spirit, which means they are also wrong, because John 14:26 correctly states that the Comforter is the Holy Ghost.

A ghost is the spirit of someone who has lived, died, and then returns “like a thief in the night” 1Thes 5:2. Neither He nor us will know, for certain, that He is here. While both God and Jesus are holy, only Jesus has lived, died, and returned again on His 2nd of three appearances; this time as The Truth because the prince of this world was judged in 1945. Jesus’ 3rd appearance, i.e., coming in the clouds with great power and glory (financial not military) as the giver of eternal Life, will be seen by the whole world.
The other word that has been misunderstood, or rather, plagiarized by the Pauline Christians, is Elohim. John 1:1-5 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2The same was in the beginning with God; this is one of the most contradictory statements in the whole New Testament, and there are many. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. If Jesus is the Word and has always been with God, then that denies Monotheism. And the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. You cannot be someone and be with him as well. Albeit as part of God’s plan to destroy satan, Paul and Constantine between them, have totally negated the wonderful sacrifice made on our behalf by the Way, chosen from the descendants of Jesse, but it is now time for the Truth. Jesus is not God, and He has never been with God, so claiming in John 1:1 that Jesus was the 2nd half of Elohim, together with God, as it is currently misunderstood, is pure crap and contradicts the three most important prophecies of Isaiah, 11:1a, 42:1-4 and 53:10, to say nothing of denying monotheism, the one thing that set Judaism apart from paganism.
Probably an even more well-known verse in the Bible then John 1:1-4, is Isaiah 7:14 A virgin will conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel. Today, this verse does appear to refer to Jesus, because 2000 years ago, the Roman Christians plagiarized it to create the virgin birth of Jesus, to confirm Paul’s belief and claim, after seeing Jesus alive again on the road to Damascus, that He must be the Son of God or God or both. A few hundred years later, the Catholic Church began claiming that it was proof that Mary conceived immaculately with the son of God, despite it having never been a prophesy in the first place. Isaiah 7:14 was merely a promise by God to Ahaz, that it is less likely that Rezin will invade Jerusalem then for a virgin to conceive and give birth to a son called Emmanuel. However, Emmanuel never meant God with us either, until Christians claimed that it did.
Mary and Joseph were CHOSEN by God from the many descendants of Jesse, as the parents of the Saviour to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 42:1, and His gentle, non-judgemental nature, fulfilled Isaiah 42:2,3 perfectly. So, with any incidences of Jesus judging, criticising or threatening violence or damnation, such as overturning the tables of the money changers, we can be sure these incidences are drop-ins, or ignorance born of not having walked with Jesus. Think about it, what would have happened if some of the merchants had decided to take it to Jesus? Furthermore, how could a monotheist God possibly have a son? Is there a Mrs God as well, or did God just make him and then remake Him with Mary? If He did, how can the Roman Christians claim that God gave His only begotten son? He could just as easily have made a few more. So, not only would that not be a sacrifice, but He would also only experience as much pain as He felt like. The only possible answer comes from the Old Testament, Isaiah 42;1-6, 11:1a, 10 and 53:1-10.
The reason Moses used Elohim is because all that exists in the universe is Positive and negative energy, i.e., the Creator and the destroyer. Although satan is subordinate to God, he is still one of the two Mighty Ones, in as much as he can destroy whatever God creates if he does not like it, whereas we cannot, despite our best efforts.
Some other alias’ you should know that apply to ‘the Rod coming forth out of the stem of Jesse’, beside Jesus, are, the Way, Saviour, Lamb of God, and the Prince of Peace. But on His first walk, Jesus was none of the following: - the Christ, the Jews Messiah, the Truth, the Life, or the Branch. 2000 years later, when the Branch grew out of the roots of the Rod, God chose a certain descendant of Jesus who shall be known as the Branch, to fulfill the prophecies that Jesus did not, such as, Messiah, Christ, comforter, Helper, Holy Ghost, the Truth, and the Spirit of Truth, but definitely not the Holy Spirit, who is God.
On His third visit, many will not have seen death before Jesus returns in the clouds as the Life, to reward those, who the Truth judges righteous, with eternal life on the beautifully restored Earth.
Contrary to what some people say, Jesus did die on the cross, but before He did, He was married to John Joan Zebedee, demeaned and nick named Mary Magdalene, sister of Martha, nee Zebedee, and His seed, Isa 53:10, has lived on from generation to generation, for 2000 years. Lazarus was one of the many made up miracles to enhance Jesus' divinity. Finally, in 1945, when the prince of this world was judged, John 16:11 it was time for God to choose one of the many branches that grew out of the Rod Isa 11:1b, as The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, John 14:26, but definitely not the Holy Spirit, which is God.
I take it you know that Jesus handed judgement to the Holy Ghost, John 16:13-16 and that the Holy Ghost is one of His descendants. However, this time God did not want, or choose, the most ‘JESUS-LIKE’ Branch to have grown out of the Rod as the width of the Narrow Gate, which we must pass through after we have accepted the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus ben Joseph, nor did God choose the worst Branch. The first would have caused the gate to be so narrow that you might be the only one who could pass through. The second would be so wide, as to permit undesirables into Heaven. What this amounts too, is that for twenty years from a date 'SOON'’ to be announced your on going integrity, after receiving forgiveness for your past sins, can be as bad as the Holy Ghost, but NO WORSE.
God bless all who appreciate the sacrifice made by Jesus, the Son of Joseph and Mary and grant the others the wisdom to change.
Gerald Calvert
"The Spirit of Truth"