That applies to all professionals, but especially to religious leaders of any persuasion

Have you ever wondered why God chose Moses, who didn’t even know he was a Jew for the first eighty years of his life, to write the history of the Jews and of creation. It was because Moses did not know enough to contradict what God was inspiring to him. And why did God have Jesus send Paul to call the Gentiles with such a distorted version of what Jesus had just spent three years teaching His disciples? Again, it was because Paul did not know enough about Jesus to contradict what God wanted him to go to the Gentiles of Japheth with. God’s penchant to choose laymen, applies to myself also. When the ‘prince of this world’ finally committed to eliminating God’s people, so that he could remain ‘prince of this world’ for all eternity, I believe God had me, the Branch, marked for His purpose from my conception in 1939, as He had with the Rod, albeit, for a different purpose.
For the first forty-two years of my life, I was a practicing atheist/agnostic until I had sunk to a suitable level of unrighteousness, so that after being forgiven for my PAST sins, I was ready to become the Branch growing out of the Rod. While the Rod was as perfect as humans can be, I became a living example of the worst you can be, and still be acceptable to God, not a very enviable status, I'll admit. God has not always wanted us to know His plan for Creation. He came to bury satan, not to enlighten him; that is why much of what Moses and the prophets wrote was in parables or was non-intuitive. God had a plan, and He did not want satan to realize that He was out to destroy him.
No spirit can be destroyed, not even satan’s, but when his host, Hitler, died in 1945, satan no longer had a human to carry him around, and so, he was grounded. That means he was no longer informed, through the senses of his host, and so was no longer able to seduce and corrupt. Because of satan’s demise, we can now know why, in spite of God promising Abraham that his descendants would be as uncountable as the dust of the earth, the Jews have been decimated almost to extinction. And why Jesus told His Nazarene Christians to stay in Jerusalem, because some would not see death before He returned, thus ensuring that the message he taught them over three years died with them when Rome invaded in 72ad, thus leaving only Paul's version of what Jesus stood for. God had arranged for only Roman Christianity to survive, which enraged the Jews by adulterating the Law and the Torah, and at the same time, the Gentiles were enraged against the Jews for crucifying ‘their’ Messiah.
God bless you for listening to The Truth, for it will set you free.
The Spirit of Truth