Following a combination of creation, sped up evolution, culls and fresh starts in the mind of the Creator, on the afternoon of the 6th day, God chose the most versatile of the animals that had evolved in His mind, as a starting point for what we came to know as ‘us’. Following a further 12 hours of sped up evolution, which scientists call the missing link, the first human, called Adam, became the first host for the Spirit of God, while another, who we only know as “the serpent” hosted the un-holy spirit of satan, and it was he who mentally seduced Eve Gen 3:22, and fathered the half good and half evil Cain who eventually became the next host of satan.

Both The Holy Spirit and the un-holy spirit would now experience the world through the senses of their host, but if their host died before having produced a male offspring to transpose into, that would be checkmate. This situation would be the ongoing war between good and evil, but naturally, God could not be the aggressor. Nor could He use His Divine power to destroy satan and his host, unless satan attacks His soldiers first. Even then, if satan’s host has already produced a son to transpose into before he attacks God’s soldiers, then God could do no more than make a token gesture of protecting His soldiers to deceive satan into thinking that he is more powerful than God.
Although we have long suspected that satan's host was black, because we see two pure black and several half cast races in the world, it has never been confirmed. God did not want satan to know that He created a separate race of people as pawns for satan, and a second race of white people, as pawns for God. But, let me hasten to say, we are identical in every way, except aesthetically. However, over the millennia, both groups have had different mentors, which unfortunately has had a big influence on our morals and customs, but since the grounding of satan in 1945, God has hastened to bring these people into the fold, as He did with the Gentiles after Jesus called them. Besides, although the black races have probably had cause to complain, spare a thought for God’s, so called, chosen people, they have suffered almost to extinction at the hands of the half good and half evil races of Ham. Ham was no more the son of Noah than Cain was the son of Adam; he was born when the sons of man, i.e., Cain caught up with the daughters of God, i.e., Seth, who had crossed over the land bridge from Morocco, the Garden of Edan, into Europe, via Gibraltar, when they were evicted from Edan.
Only some of satan’s people found and followed God’s people across into Europe. So, in order to protect the other six races that occurred, when Eve was seduced, from further adulteration by satan, God guided them to their allotted continent on one or the other of the tectonic plates, which occurred when He quenched the molten earth with the water for the oceans to form the firmament, and now they were all drifting away from each other. So now, because all of God’s people, plus the few of satan’s people that he was still aware of, were living in southern Europe, the only area that God needed to flood in order to convince both satan and Noah that He had flooded the whole world, was the lower part of Europe. Furthermore, when you consider that at the time of the flood around 30,000 years ago, earth-time, there were almost no large or dangerous animals living in Europe for Noah to accommodate, so the ark only needed to be a fraction of the size that we have been led to believe.
So now, why have I depicted Ham as being coloured and Shem and Japheth as white? You may have guessed by now that when the Sons of man (Cain) were coming in, to the daughters of God (Seth), Mrs No-Name-Noah was one of the daughters-of-God that was adulterated and she gave birth to Ham, another half good and half evil cuckoo, this time in Noah’s nest, and of course he was black or at least grey. Have you never wondered at the severity of the punishment God dished out to Ham’s son Canaan, for what can only be described as a misdemeanour? The reason for that, was because God could not punish any current host of satan, any more than He could when He only put a mark on Cain's forehead for murdering his half-brother, Able. Condemning Canaan to be the slave of the slaves of his brethren and also giving Canaan's land to Abram, was only meant to alert the Spirit of Truth, after the prince of this world was judged in 1945, that Ham was the bastard son of Lamech, the host of satan before the flood.
You might think, as do the three Abrahamic religions, that the inter marriage between the sons of man and the daughters of God was the reason that God decided to start again, but you would be wrong. God now had two righteous sons to satan’s one deviate son Gen 9:22-27. Therefore, God was now able to separate His two sons so that satan’s son could only follow one or the other, which as we know was Shem. Had Ham followed Japheth, the entire biblical scene would have played out differently, but he didn’t, and it has been Shem’s descendants that have been martyred, while Japheth’s descendants were protected on the northern side of the Mediterranean Sea, until such time as God needed them to come to the rescue of their Christian brethren, in 1945.
I think we can all agree that if God is the creator of beautiful things, then satan is the destroyer, simply because he only likes chaos and disorder. Many years ago, earth-time, certainly more than the mere five or six thousand years indicated by the longevity of the patriarchs prior to the flood, the Bible has been very vague regarding this period, only giving us a glimpse of our history prior to Noah. As a result of many inspired revelations from God, I have found evidence in Genesis to confirm that the whole Solar System, including the Sun, was created on day one some 130,000 years ago. This post only touches on the great deal of revelation that has been inspired to me regarding God’s plan to prevent satan from destroying His beautiful creations. For a brief summary of what happened before noon on the 6th day, and why God created the Universe in the first place, please read my blog “To the Jews First and then to the Gentiles” but for a complete explanation of the Creation, I suggest my post “Creation First and then Evolution”.
God bless all who appreciate the Way's supreme sacrifice
and give others the wisdom to see the Truth
The Spirit of Truth