Jesus said we must all be born again. However, the Spirit of The Way has returned as The Truth, i.e., the Spirit of Truth, and will now inform us of the true purpose of the Rod that was chosen from the descendants of King David. Until then, No one has been born again, not even the descendants of the seed of Jesus who have already lived an exemplary life.
Not only Jews, and Gentiles, but everyone, must be born again to what the Spirit of Truth has heard, from God, and that He shall speak. John 16:13

I am commenting on the simple statement that ‘only Jews can be born again’, originally posted on a Christian forum. Most understand this simple statement, that as Christians have already been born again, only God’s ‘first’ people, the Jews, have yet to accept Jesus as The Way, and therefore be born again”. However, as I said in my reply to his post, “That statement is wrong.” In fact, not only the Jews, but the entire human race, including devout Christians, must now be born again to the original teachings of Jesus, as received from God by The Spirit of Truth. It is obvious to those who are aware of the influence that the Torah-ignorant, Pauline-Christians, and Constantine, had on the message of Jesus, 2000 years ago. The Roman Catholics have been claiming ever since Constantine converted the pagan Romans into pagan Christians, that Jesus fulfilled several hundred prophecies, despite Him only ever being required to fulfill four.
1 Jesus was to be a descendant on the male side* of Jesse through King David.
2 Jesus was to be the Sacrificial Lamb to give us all a second chance, or maybe a couple with a good excuse, but not forgiveness for evermore.
3 Jesus was to set up an ensign, Isa 11:10 which was Paul, to call the only Gentiles (KJV Gen 10:5) back to God. After confusing their language in Babylon, God sent Japheth, the island people of the Gentiles, to self-manage in Europe, via the Greek Isles; here God allowed them to deteriorate into pagan-barbarians, so bad, that when ships eventually began to cross the Mediterranean Sea, satan could not credit that they also belonged to God. However, God now spoke into the minds of the Gentiles of Japheth, to quickly civilise them for if, and when, satan attempted to become the prince of this world for all eternity, by annihilating God’s soldiers and therefore God.
4 Jesus, the Rod, was to marry and produce seed, Isa 53:10 the descendants of whom, some 2000 years later, would allow God to choose oneparticular-Branchgrowing out of The Rod Isa 11:1b. This Branch is also the Helper Jesus promised if He went away, but if He did not go away, the Helper, i.e., Himself, could not come. Obviously, Jesus fulfilled all four of these, but most importantly, He did sounintentionally, not like the 300+ prophecies the Romans made sure He fulfilled, artificially in every case. What would they have known?
The Old Testament meant nothing to the pagan Romans, they just adulterated the Old Testament, and moulded the Disciple’s testaments to fit what God inspired Paul to teach, so the Gentiles would seek him ou Isa 11:10. The rapid spread of Christianity can be attributed to Paul when he allowed the Gentiles to join the club, without being circumcised, without Torah study, that God had a son that spoke to Paul personally, and to clinch the deal, this new God could turn water into wine. Where do I sign?
*Until the prince of this world was Judged, in 1945, God has only ever been able to speak into the mind of His male soldiers from Seth, while satan could only speak into the mind of his soldiers from Cain. Neither God nor satan, could speak directly into the mind of women; they could only contact females through their male soldiers. Women were to be the quarry, not the hounds. God’s soldiers were to protect women from the attempts by satan’s soldiers to adulterate them in order to place another cuckoo (half good and half evil) in God’s nest, as were Cain, Ham, Ishmael, and Esau. This forms the basis of God’s plan to eliminate satan.
Surely it has crossed your mind that Paul never met Jesus, and neither did he walk with anyone who did, so how could he possibly have known what Jesus taught. Christians, Jews, and all nations must now accept that it is the re-established Nazarene-Christian message of Jesus, that the Jews, along with everyone else, must soon be willingly born again too. It will become increasingly obvious too, that as per Isa 11:1b God has chosen one of the many Branches growing out of The Rod or The Way, as The Truth or the Spirit of Truth, who will speak, not of Himself, but what he hears from God, that shall He speak. But this could not happen until 1945 when the ‘prince of this world’ was finally judged John 16:8, 11. The Branch that God chose as the Spirit of Truth will call the Jews, and everyone else, from the four corners of the earth. Isa 11:11, 12 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea of the Gentiles. Gen 10:5.
the Branch is also The Spirit of Truth, The Messiah, The Truth, the Comforter, the Helper and the Holy Ghost, but not the Holy Spirit, which is God, and He will now call every person from the four corners of the earth, to be born again to The Truth that the Spirit of Truth shall hear from God and speak John 16:13. My book “The Papacy Can Now End” explains in more detail, God’s purpose in allowing Paul to adulterate the real testimony of the disciples, to call the Gentiles.
Please don’t try to correct me by telling me that Paul had a personal encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. That five or ten minutes was just long enough for God to convince Paul that the apparition he saw, was really Jesus in the flesh. The real purpose of that encounter though, was to convince Paul to take the message to the Gentiles that Jesus must be the Son of God, or God, or both, and so the Trinity was born. To support that supposition, God also inspired Paul or probably Constantine, to convince the Gentiles of Japheth, that Isa 7:14, the virgin birth, referred to Jesus, and so He must be the Son of God. This contradiction of Monotheism, plus the stealing and adulteration of the Jew’s-religion, fiasco, had the Jews hostile enough that they were out to kill Christians, and Because the Jews were solely responsible for crucifying Jesus, the Christians, from that day on, hated the Jews for crucifying their Messiah, not realising that The Truth, not The Way, is the true Messiah. The murdering of the Christians by the Jews (Shem) for blasphemy, and the murdering of the Jews by the Christians (Japheth) convinced satan that these barbarians, turned Christian by decree, would sooner help him kill the Jews, then come to their aid if he attempted to annihilate them.
This theological separation, caused by the conflict between Shem and Japheth, very effectively replaced the physical separation* that God had initiated when He confused their language in Babylon, sending Japheth to the opposite side of the Mediterranean Sea to that of Shem, thus Ham was only able to follow and adulterate one or the other, which as we know, was Shem, at least until boats were able to cross the Mediterranean Sea. Fortunately, God had two thousand years to reform the pagan Christians, before they were required to go to the rescue of their brethren from Shem when satan attempted to exterminate the Jews and the host of God.
When Hitler, the then host of satan, realised he had miscalculated the unity of the brothers Shem and Japheth, and took his own life, satan was grounded. The destroyer could never again get around to see and destroy the beautiful creations of the Creator. Now, if you do evil, you can no longer blame satan.
*The ability to split His soldiers was God’s prime reason for the flood, not just because the sons of satan were coming in, to the daughters of God. After the flood, because satan had left most of his people behind, to follow God’s people from Seth across into southern Europe, so now, the only people that satan was still aware of, were Noah, his wife, Japheth, Shem, and Ham. However, now God had two righteous soldiers in Shem and Japheth, while satan had only one immoral soldier in Ham. Having two sons, allowed God to ‘enlarge Japheth on the North shore of the Mediterranean Sea, isolated from the adulteration Shem would suffer from Ham (satan) on the southern shore. Although Shem’s descendants are God’s first people, unbeknown to them, sadly, they have also been God’s ‘whipping boy’ and have been martyred by the hundreds of thousands so as to deceive satan into believing that he could defeat the Jews, despite God promising to protect them. But now that the prince of this world has been judged, they will be called from the four corners of the earth, and from above.
Gerald Calvert
Author of “The Papacy Can Now End”