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  • Writer's pictureGerald Calvert


Updated: Aug 26

All that exists in the universe, i.e., the heavens or cosmos, is Positive and negative energy, who we know by many names, but today, mostly as God and satan.


Verse 1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the Earth from this energy. The Higgs Boson Accelerator is trying to do the opposite, i.e., break down matter into Positive and negative energy. The Spirit of God should be compared to a super-computer, far in advance of the primitive computers He inspired one of us to produce a mere fifty years ago, but even they, are already capable of creating human parts in minutes, albeit lifeless, to confirm this statement.

Verse 2. The earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. There are four words in verse three, the meanings of which are questionable. Obviously, as the earth even now is a sphere, with a molten core, I think we can assume that it always has been. But, if something exists at all, then it must have form. So, without form, must have a different meaning. Logic tells me that because a perfect sphere such as a ball-bearing or any liquid in space would have, i.e., no visible difference when viewed from any angle, I can only conclude that at the time of Moses, ‘without form’ must have meant, Perfect form, i.e., a perfect sphere. Plus, because we now know the earth is still molten, but solid, as any liquid in space would be, ‘without’ must apply to void as well. So, in Gen 1:2 Moses must be saying that the earth is a solid globe. In the second half of verse 2, when Moses mentions deep, and, that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, I have to ask, “What waters would be on a molten earth?” Absolutely none. Now, when considering those two statements in relation to a molten earth, I have to say that both are referring to the fact that the earth was a deep ball of many different liquid elements. Not, that the ocean was deep. More on this later.


Verse 3. When God said, “Let there be light” what possible reason would He have had for not immediately creating the one thing that would provide the light? And in fact, He did. However, in his haste to get down what God was inspiring to him, Moses misplaced Verse 16 “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Verse 16 should follow verse three; this is just one of many different errors in the Bible. It is a nonsense to believe that God would create photosynthesis on day 3, before he created the Sun on day 4. And neither did God make the stars twice. By moving verse 16 up to follow verse 3, we find that, ‘He created the stars also, was not a mistake, it means that God not only created the Earth on day one, He also created the Sun and the whole Solar system. The cosmos He created with a big bang on day 4. Therefore, verse 3 should read: 3 And God said, “Let there be light”. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also”; this means, He also made the planets of the Solar System. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.


Gen 1: 6 is arguably the most misunderstood verse in the Creation event. Firmament* has two meanings today, the correct one, as given below, is an expanse (of something), but today, most people believe it means the sky above us. However, if you continue to claim that firmament in verse 6, is some sort of dome above the Earth, and believe that the ocean is the water below, what water is above the firmament if it is just our atmosphere dividing the waters from the waters, because, water cannot exist, as a liquid, in the vacuum of space.

When God said, Let there be a firmament to divide the waters from the waters.” God was literally saying, “I will make an expanse of firm surface over the molten liquid earth, to support My Creation. Now, because we know that the Earth was created as a ball of molten liquid, and still is, the firmament that God called for in Gen 1:6 in the KJV, as opposed to the firmament of the ‘heavens’ in Gen 1:9 and 1:17 that are spelt with a lower case ‘h’ and refer merely to the expanse of the cosmos or space, verse 6 is telling us that He needed a hard surface on top of the molten-liquids below, on which to build His Garden of Edan. The liquid above, is the H2o water that God then created to form the oceans above. In Psalm 19:1, the lower case (h) in, the heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork, is referring to the expanse of the amazing wonder of the beautiful heavens, i.e., the Cosmos.

 Returning now to Gen 1:8, although Moses was quite correct in saying that the expanse of firm crust was the Heaven of eternity, (Note the uppercase ‘H’ in every bible version) he was a bit premature, because Heaven was still covered with water. It was not until God moved the Tectonic Plates* not the water, into one place, that the firmament became Heaven, and will be again, when it is restored at End of Days.


* Firmament. The only translation to be used for the Hebrew word “רָקִיעַ i.e. raqia,” in verse 6 is expanse, not firmament. “Let there be an expanse (of something)”. So its use here, and in Gen 1:8 means an expanse of hard ground to cover the molten earth. Whereas, ‘firmament of the heavens’ as used in Gen 1:17 must be interpreted as, the expanse of the nothing, that is, Space, and because Moses only used lowercase in firmament of the heavens, we know that he is not referring to the ‘Heaven of Eternity’, as he was in Gen 1:8 where he used the uppercase ‘H’.

** Tectonic Plates occurred when God quenched the molten Earth with H2o water to make the oceans; this caused Earth's hard surface to fracture into the tectonic plates. After Eve was mentally seduced by the serpent, which was merely an allegory for the first host of satan, as Adam was the first host of God, six of the seven different races that resulted, Negros, Australian Aborigines, Indians, Native Americans, South American Aztecs, Asians, together with God's own people from Seth, were moved to their respective continents when God evicted Adam and Eve from Edan. However, it is obvious that none of these were part of Noah's flood. Only some of the people from satan's son, Cain, that he was still aware of, were lost in the flood, together with all of God's people from Seth that satan had followed into Europe to adulterate. Noah's family, which now included two riteous sons Shem and Japheth, which He would now separate so that his wife's illigitimate son Ham, born to satan, could only follow one or the other, were saved from the flood. Each of the seven techtonic plates accommodating one of the seven races were already drifting away from ASDFDg and were now out of range of the flood.


On the third revolution of the Earth, God began the most difficult part of the Creation, i.e., living matter in the form of one infinitesimally small speck. As small as it was, God now had the DNA of this little creature, and created many googolplexes of identical copies, with which He seeded the oceans, in the belief that by varying the conditions, some would survive and even learn to reproduce themselves. Finally, on the sixth day of sped up evolution, two creatures evolved suitable to be refined into humans who would carry around infant spirits, created in the image of the Elohim, i.e., God and satan. Although scientists today believe that, if given the one miracle of life, they would be able to explain the rest, they are deluding themselves. Evolution has occurred, but most species today evolved separately from one of these exact copies of the original. Although every living thing appears to have evolved from one common ancestor, because they all share some DNA, a horse never evolved from a cow, or an elephant from a butterfly. However, by God varying such things as climate, celestial events, DNA etc, evolution did occur within species, as did the dinosaurs, many of which evolved into birds.**

** Because dinosaurs were unable to increase the size, or number of their few small eggs, to prevent mammals or reptiles from eating them, and the miniscule-hatchlings; they resorted to laying their eggs higher and higher. Eventually, any dinosaur chicks that evolved a means of slowing their descent from the nest, feathers would be good, had a better chance of survival and eventually evolved into many different kinds of birds. However, few would have had a common ancestry. Although the fossil record indicates that this transition occurred over a period of hundreds of millions of years, it did not. Through the same sped-up evolution in the mind of God, the whole existence, demise, and evolution of dinosaurs into birds, occurred during the morning of day 6 of creation.


During the fourth revolution of the earth, while life continued to evolve, God was easily able to create the inanimate stars and galaxies of the cosmos by what appears to be a big bang, which was designed to provide us with an alternative to creation, so we did not have to obey the ten commandments or believe in God, just because there was no other alternative. God only wants volunteers not pressmen.


By the end of day five, evolution, albeit so far only in the super-computer mind of God, had produced marine creatures of both small and gigantic proportions, many of which were beginning to leave the oceans for the land in many ways. Some walked out on their fins, some managed to fly out, while others crawled or slithered out to take possession of their new environment.


By the morning of day 6, we find, due to the DNA of the countless number of lifeforms now existing, that evolution had accelerated to the point that it took only twelve hours for marine creatures to evolve into the billions of earth-bound animals, including many primates. Although more human like animals had evolved by noon, because God could easily genetically-modify their appearance, but had no control over their disposition, He finally chose an Orangutang as the lineage of His Adam and the Chimpanzee for satan’s ‘adam’, commonly referred to as the serpent. By midnight on day 6, some 130,000 years ago, God had further evolved the two apes into a Neanderthal and Homo-Sapien respectively. Creation was now finished, as was sped-up evolution. However, as scientists will confirm, evolution continues to occur, albeit slowly, and now only in earth time, and as before, only within species.

God bless all who Love God, and may He give the rest a second chance.

The Spirit of Truth

Howbeit, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come: John 16:13.

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