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Writer: Gerald CalvertGerald Calvert

Updated: Aug 26, 2024

It is now time for the brothers, Shem and Japheth, to reunite under Nazarene Christianity.


The Rod was The Way, The Branch is The Truth, together they will be Eternal Life.


John 14:6. Jesus saith unto him, “I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Isaiah 11:1a. The Rod, Jesus, coming forth out of the stem of Jesse, i.e., a descendant of Jesse, was only The Way.

Isaiah 11:1b. A descendant of Jesus, i.e., A Branch, shall grow out of The Rod’s roots

 2000 years later, who is The Spirit of The Truth and it is He who will judge the world of sin.

John 16:8. And when he is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:”

John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come, i.e., He will lead by example, the minimum standard for acceptance.





 In excess of one billion people believe that the return of Jesus to judge the world of sin is imminent. But which of the two ways will He come?

 (1) If Jesus comes with great power and glory, with a mighty army, even the unrighteous will believe and once again become indistinguishable from the righteous.

 (2) Jesus warned several times that He may return ‘like a thief in the night’, which means, even if He tells you He is here, and that you are being judged, the righteous will continue being righteous but the unrighteous will not believe and will continue being unrighteous; until it is too late.


The British Royal Society's motto

No longer is it good enough to take someone’s word for it.

With acknowledgement of Quintus Horatius Flaccus,

8 December 65 BC–27 November 8 BC.


Because so many theologians will have staked their entire careers on the existing interpretation of the Bible, anyone who proposes a radical new idea is rarely taken seriously.

      Typically, the greatest difficulties in communicating new ideas occur when one is questioning something ‘already known to be true’, (such as the age of Earth, or the Bible. G Calvert). On matters of accepted principles, the confidence behind established claims can be so unassailable that discussion itself may seem quite pointless. This difficulty is made worse by separation of the processes by which information is gathered and evaluated. The specialisation of intellectual knowledge carries with it certain risks when assumptions within one profession, rest upon prior assumptions in another profession. No one can be an expert in everything, so when considering possibilities outside one’s own expertise, it is only natural to accept what specialists in other fields claim to know. But what are the consequences of this, when theories offered to you as fact cannot accommodate compelling new evidence? Most revolutions in science have come from people who taught themselves outside the academic system; much of which was inspired to them by God, and were not constrained by the ‘facts’ and ‘fallacies’ of the day.


      It has been well documented that modern institutions of science operate in such a way, so as to force conformity and prevent research and publication of revolutionary ideas. J.R. Saul argues that this mediaeval stifling was re-established during the twentieth century. If so, the new ‘Enlightenment’ will have to come, as before, from outside academia.




Chapter                                                        page

Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

The Purpose of Creation and Why God Created Man---------------------------------------- 4

Is the Old Testament Without Errors?---------------------------------------------------------- 5

Why Only The King James Bible?--------------------------------------------------------------- 6

My Second Critique-------------------------------------------------------------------------------  8

My Third Critique---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

What is More Important—Translation or Interpretation?------------------------------------ 10

Creation or Evolution------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12

Creation first and then evolution---------------------------------------------------------------- 13

Sped-Up Evolution--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

Creation Day One: The Solar System----------------------------------------------------------- 15

Creation Day Two: The Firmament-------------------------------------------------------------- 16

Creation Day Three:------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parallel Evolution-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Creation Day Four: The Universe----------------------------------------------------------------

Creation Day Five:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marine Animals-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Creation Day Six: A.M. Land-Animals-----------------------------------------------------------

Creation Day Six: P.M.: The Creation of Adam and Eve--------------------------------------

Eve was Adulterated-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Creation Day Seven: A Day of rest, even for ‘the wicked’------------------------------------

Rivers (Canals) Flowing Out of Eden------------------------------------------------------------

The Cloning of Eve---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Characteristics of the Seven Races That Developed when Eve was seduced--------

Apology to People of Colour----------------------------------------------------------------------

Noah’s Flood----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

After the Flood--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Noah's Sons Were Not All White-----------------------------------------------------------------

If Ishmael Was Not the Son of Abraham, Then Islam is Not an Abrahamic Religion----

Chapter And Verse Of Genesis Worthy Of Further Comment--------------------------------

Understanding the Prophecies of Isaiah--------------------------------------------------------

Few Words Have Changed the Course of History as Has Isaiah 7:14----------------------

The Christian Perspective on Isaiah 7:14-------------------------------------------------------

The Jewish Perspective on Isaiah 7:14----------------------------------------------------------

The Second Beginning-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Birth of Jesus----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

God Cannot Have A Son---------------------------------------------------------------------------

To The Jew First, Then To The Gentiles And Why It Had To Be So?------------------------   

 Was Jesus Homosexual, or was John Really a Women?-------------------------------------

Women At The Cross of Jesus--------------------------------------------------------------------

Women At The Crucifixion------------------------------------------------------------------------

Women At The Internment------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

Women at the Resurrection-----------------------------------------------------------------------

The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Jesus returned as the Comforter---------------------------

No one has been born again yet-----------------------------------------------------------------

Why Jesus Allowed Paul To Adulterate The Gospels------------------------------------------

You don't Believe In Jesus As There Is No independent Record Of His Existence-------

The Book of Matthew------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Book of Mark------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Book of Luke------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Book of John------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Who wrote the Gospel of John?-------------------------------------------------------------

The Book of Acts-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Did Jesus Produce a Son Before His Crucifixion?-----------------------------------------

Part 4f: Mary Magdalene in The Gospel of Mary------------------------------------------

Mary Magdalene in The Gospel of Philip---------------------------------------------------

Evidence of Jesus’ Marital Status from Holy Blood, Holy Grail-------------------------

Book of Revulsions----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Book of Revelations (New King James Version)-------------------------------------


Bible Passages Referenced In My Manuscript---------------------------------------------

Why Only the King James Bible?------------------------------------------------------------


 Please note, when I use ‘Host’, it means, “It is through the senses of this person that the Elohim, i.e., the Mighty Ones, experience the Creation.”


Although God has rarely led me to books in the Old Testament other than Genesis and Isaiah, I have read the others to find out why. What I concluded was that we only need Genesis and Isaiah; one to tell us where we came from and the other to tell us where we are going, and when. The remaining books of the Old Testament deal mostly with the history, wanderings, beliefs, taboos, self-imposed penances, and the wisdom of our forefathers. Of course, the gospels are a big part of the plan too, but until you know God’s plan contained in Genesis and Isaiah, you cannot detect the adulteration in the New Testament. So, I will leave that until later.


I suggest that you read my book the first time without question, to gain an overall perception of its content. Then, it must be read carefully, with Bible references checked for accuracy, before deciding for yourself if the plan conveyed to me has been confirmed. I am not writing a novel with a plot and sequence, it is made up of many, many inspirations in somewhat random order, but as He did with Moses, God left much for me to edit, then try to put it into sequence. If you will just accept that it might be a bit disjointed, as is the word of God, the necessary information will be there, and it will still be easier to understand than the bible. I am not out to impress you with big words either; let he that can read, understand.

Figure 1 

Writing a book as contentious as re-interpreting the Old Testament, and identifying the adulteration in the New Testament, is always going to be extremely difficult. Unless contradictions of the current understanding of the Bible are followed immediately by my reasoning, those who already know what the Word of God means, will read no further; but I have much to tell you, so please do not lose sight of my promise to unite the descendants of Shem and Japheth, i.e., the Christians and the Jew, heralding in the Resurrection. 


We will never know world peace until the three religions emanating from the sons of Noah achieve reconciliation. The Christians, Jews and Moslems have been responsible for most of the murder and mayhem throughout the world. This animosity began when Noah, the then host of God, said to Ham, the then host of satan, in Genesis 9:25, “Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.”, and was exacerbated in Gen. 12:1-7, when God gave Canaan’s land to Abram. I believe a careful evaluation of this book by those of any religion who uphold good over evil, will quickly unite the world under one religion and one language, as Shem and Japheth were before God confused their language at Babylon. The book that I have spent 34 years writing, John 16:13 not of myself; but whatever I have heard, from God, that shall I speak, promises to unite all religions.


All that exists in the Nothing, is Positive and negative energy, i.e., the Creator and the destroyer, which we know mostly, as God and satan; they have always been inseparable, as in figure 2. Not because God wanted it that way, but because they have always been so, and God had never been able to get free of his nemesis. Together, they were the Elohim, the Mighty Ones and the ‘Us’ in ‘let Us’. Although Positive could neutralize negative, He would also be neutralized, in which case both would then become powerless; this situation was great for negative because being close to Positive enabled him to experience Positive’s creations, thus enabling negative to destroy them if he did not like them, which has been a source of annoyance to Positive since forever.

Figure 2   

      As soon as God created something beautiful, satan would just destroy it, because he only likes evil, such as lust and depravity. Finally, Positive conceived a very clever plan to separate them so that negative would no longer be able to destroy God’s creations. Negative would need to perceive God’s next creation, as so revolting, that he would not want to destroy it; this would then allow Positive to ground negative forever, i.e. separate from him

and put him out of reach of His creations for all eternity, so he can no longer experience and destroy them through his host.  


God then Communicated* to negative that He was going to create Man who would carry them both around. Each would then be able to inspire the Man to do their will, but because Man had free will, he could choose who he would listen to, or if he listened at all. Women would be the quarry, and whose ever soldier impregnated her would beget another male soldier. However, only the father of that soldier, be it God or satan, would be able to talk into his mind to influence what he does. The catch was, that God could not be the aggressor. He must wait until the host of satan attacked His soldiers before He could empower His soldiers to defeat satan. Then, if satan’s host had already produced another son to transpose into, God could do nothing but allow satan’s host to defeat His soldiers, thereby further convincing satan that he would be able to defeat God even if he had not yet produced another son. God was counting on satan behaving true to form,  and that he would try to eliminate God and His soldiers so that he would be able to

wreak havoc on Earth for all eternity. Satan also knew that Positive would tie one hand

behind His back by not attacking his soldiers unless they attacked God’s host and soldiers first.

God created a world where He and satan, the Elohim, would experience the Creation through the senses of Humans, beginning with Adam for God, and the serpent for satan, which of course, was an allegory for the black host of satan. Each would attempt in their different ways, to have humans obey them. Subject to the above conditions, in the likely event of satan attempting to destroy God’s human host, so as to rule the Creation for all eternity, God would then be at liberty to destroy the host that was carrying satan around, thereby grounding satan’s spirit as well. Because, if negative was no longer aware of something, he could not destroy it.

Satan believed that this would be a walk in the park, that sin would be more popular than righteousness. However, satan did not realize that God also had a plan for this creation. Because mental telepathy knows no distance, satan was unaware that God had created two completely different families; one for satan, in their own Eden, and one for His family in a more beautiful Eden. God then facilitated the army from His Adam, who He alone could talk too, to do His bidding by promising them His protection if they obeyed His commandments. However, He would have to wait patiently until satan failed to produce another son to transpose into, on his death. God would continue to encourage satan to believe that he was more capable of protecting his soldiers, than was God; this He achieved by allowing His soldiers to be captured, enslaved, and martyred, to the extent that they believed, that the last thing they did or did not do, must have offended God. So, they resolved to do better by adding yet another penance on themselves. Only after Satan attempted to destroy the soldiers of God, when his soldiers outnumbered God’s by fifty to one, before he produced a son to transpose into, would God be at liberty to inspire His soldiers of how to destroy the current human host of satan.


There were three problems with this: First, because women also had free will, they could choose whether to listen to their husband or not, so Eve might not heed Adam despite him warning her of what God had inspired to him, that she must not listen to the temptation in her head when satan’s host tried to seduce her, mentally initially, with promises. If she succumbed to temptation, the Mighty ones would be re-joined again through the offspring, who would be half God and half evil. Satan had no hesitation in accepting God’s challenge, believing that lust and depravity would be a bestseller with Adam, compared to the goodness and righteousness being peddled by the goody-goody other ‘Bloke’. If either of their hosts failed to reproduce before they died, then that was checkmate. The loser would be grounded forever and would never again be involved in the day-to-day running of the Creation. Once satan agreed to the challenge, God began the first step of a

long journey. Although, not as long as science would have us believe, to rid Himself of the destroyer.


As the negative half of the Elohim had the power to destroy, it was imperative, that for as long as possible, that he did not discover that he was only having so much success at influencing his host, because he was addressing a different Adam, in a different Eden

which was as horrible as the other was beautiful. Not, as he believed, because most men 

were pre-wired to be sinful.


It was also imperative that not even God’s people knew that there was a black Adam and a white Adam. Had God disclosed His plan in the bible or had Adam’s descendants known, satan would have quickly connived the information out of God’s people regarding the trap, and so this latest Creation would also have been destroyed. Therefore, in order not to alarm

him, any mention of two Adams and the antithesis of the beautiful Garden of Eden, had to be disguised, but with enough clues to enable The Spirit of Truth, i.e., The Branch growing out of the Rod in Isa 11:1b, after the prince of this world was judged, to solve the riddle.


By now you are probably saying, “How ridiculous,” but let us look at the evidence, both in the Bible and in the world, for there being two different peoples. Genesis 4:17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. So one can assume that Cain took a wife from the offspring of satan’s host, in the second Eden. The evidence in the world is that we have the entire country of Africa, which incorporates all climates from Mediterranean in the north, tropical in the middle and temperate and Mediterranean in the south. Apart from the people living north of the Sahara Desert, after the flood, there is not the slightest trace of auburn hair, white skin or blue eyes or anything even approaching a mutation of black and white. Then we have the Australian Aboriginals that are also jet black, despite Australia being part of Antarctica and never having left the temperate zone.

Although I mean no disrespect, for I have great empathy for our indigenous Australians, they, and the original black people, were created black and comparatively ugly to appease satan. However, full blood and mixed-race people will also choose a new body when they accept Jesus as The Way, and The Branch as The Truth. However, they will still be aborigines and will again be the sole occupants of their original countries; they will then be allowed to develop at their own pace from a time before white people first came to their country.


*All communication between the two Spirits was done by mental communication, and distance did not yet exist.

Is the Old Testament Without Errors?

Many people still believe that the most significant books in the Old Testament were inspired to Moses word for word, and are therefore without error, but just think about how that could have occurred. Did God stand beside Moses for ten years dictating every word? Or did He call down to Moses from the clouds for ten years while Moses chiseled away at the Bible, a few verses per day? I think not. Inspiration from God comes like this; Moses would have woken up one morning and felt an urge to write down everything from the beginning of time that his father and grandfather had taught him. As he began to write, amazingly, he would have found himself writing things he did not even know he knew. Thoughts and ideas would have come into his head at such a speed that he would have found it almost impossible to write fast enough. So much so, that much of what he wrote would have been out of order, written in his own words, and all of it would have required endless editing for it to make sense.

God did not expect or even want Moses to write without error at this stage. Also, apart from the minor errors below, much of what came into Moses’ head and how he wrote it, were metaphors that we were not meant to understand until after the judgement of the ‘prince of this world’ (John 16:11). I have to say, as inspired as Moses may have been, he was still human and a lot of what he wrote he did not understand himself. Therefore, we must look for what God wanted us to understand from what He had Moses 

write, not just the literal meaning of what he wrote. Being aware of God’s plan for the elimination of evil helps immensely.


  The verses below are just a few of many errors in the bible, some minor and some not so minor.


Genesis 14:14 And when Abram heard that his brother (nephew) was taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan:. In Genesis 11:27 we see that Lot is Abram’s nephew, not his brother.

Genesis 14:16. And he brought back all the goods, and also brought again his brother, no,

(nephew) Lot, and his goods, and the women also, and the people:

Genesis 28:13. I am the Lord God of Abraham, thy father (grandfather): Jacob was 

the son of Isaac, who was the son of Abraham.

Genesis 29:12. And Jacob told Rachel that he was her father’s brother (nephew) and that he was Rebekah’s son: and she ran and told her father:

Genesis 29:15. And Laban said unto Jacob, Because thou art my brother (nephew):

Genesis 37:32. And they sent (rent) the coat of many colours, and they brought it to their father:

Why Only the King James Bible?

The only Bibles in which I have been able to confirm the revelations I have received are the King James ‘Authorised Version’ (KJV), and most in the Hebrew to English bible. Other literal translations confirm some of it, but the liberal translations, such as the New King James Version (NKJV) and especially the New International Version (NIV), have misunderstood so many of the most important metaphors in the Word of God, that when using these interpretations, we are only interpreting an interpretation. My experiences have shown me that, just as God inspired Moses to record the previously oral history for the descendants of Shem, He was also guiding the hands of the scores of theologians and linguists of King James. They translated the scriptures exactly the way God wanted them translated for the descendants of Japheth (the Gentiles, see Genesis 10:5). I’m sorry to say it, but all modern Bibles are commercial, whereas the Crown of England in its heyday, spared no expense to confirm the work of John Wycliffe and his followers, the Lollards, to produce the King James Bible. It was just a pity that so little remained of what Jesus taught His disciples, for them to translate into English, except what came through Paul, or rather, what God allowed Paul to teach, and the little that Emperor Constantine left even of that.


The proliferation of scores of special Bibles, e.g. couple’s Bibles, women’s Bibles, men’s Bibles, fireman’s Bibles, scout’s Bibles, and others, smacks of profiteering, which in turn introduces a high probability of false doctrine. Today, publishers are less interested in spreading the Word of God than they are in making a profit. The maximum price of the Word of God, if any, should be the cost to produce it. The Word of God is not a source of revenue, not even for the Church or the benefit of charity; its only purpose is to make the ‘Good News’ known to the entire world.


If the Church continues to use these commercial Bibles and fails to address my concern that there is commercialism in our cathedrals and synagogues, again, then I can only say, “You will probably all be waiting at the wrong bus stop when Jesus comes.” The following are three of many instances where I seriously doubt the understanding of the author of the NIV. I believe if you can’t prove it, don’t charge for it, the Word of God is a gift. The current motivation for English Bible interpretations is money. Stick to the Bible translated at the expense of the Crown of England by dozens of dedicated Christian scholars and independent linguists, unfettered by the constraints of a timetable or the Catholic Church, and oblivious to the commercial viability of the product. The King James Bible is probably the only example of this.



 My First Critique

King James Version

Genesis 9:24 And Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his younger son (Ham) had done unto him.

25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren

See Genesis 4:1 in ‘The cloning of Eve’ for why God/Noah could not curse Ham directly.

26 And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem. This verse should read: Blessed be Shem, by the Lord God; and Canaan shall be his servant.

27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant (too).

New International Version

Genesis 9:24 When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him,

25 he said, Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers

26 He also said, blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem! This verse should read: Blessed be Shem by the Lord God; and May Canaan be the slave of Shem.

27 May God enlarge the territory of Japheth. May Japheth live in the tents of Shem, and may

Canaan be his slave.

First, the NIV totally loses the point when they change, “And knew what his younger son had

done to him (KJV), to “Found out what his youngest son had done to him (NIV). The NIV

interpretation loses the apparently insignificant clues to God’s mystery of life. Many humans,

although they have never been aware of it, have been the human host for our Father, ever

since Adam hosted Him the first time. However, that’s another story; suffice it to say that

Noah was also one of those hosts (prophets) and as such, he had the ‘Ear of God’. What He

is telling us here is that Ham was ‘no good’ and neither was at least one of his sons, Canaan. Noah is not screaming at Ham that he is ‘lower than shark shit’, as the NIV would imply by

the exclamation mark after ‘Cursed be Canaan!’ Also, ‘Noah knew’, was not a slip of the pen; he knew, because Noah was the host of God, and as such, had inspired understanding. God is telling us here that Ham had not just committed the indiscretion of

perving on Noah, God was telling us there was a far greater purpose in this incident for why

his son Canaan was condemned to eternal servitude, calmly and irreversibly.

     Canaan’s lands would also be given away to Shem, all the lands of the Canaanites. 19The land of The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, 20and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims, 21and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Jebusites, and the Girgashites, (and all the other shites): Genesis 15:19–21. These punishments and lands were not just given to Ham’s brothers, as the NIV claims; they were given to his brethren, all of the descendants of Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc. Canaan was not even good enough to be the servant of Shem and Japheth; he was to be the servant, of the servants, of their descendants as well. Really, you should be asking, “What was God’s reason for allowing Ham to survive the flood in the first place?”

Then look at God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem: Genesis 9:27. This statement is not saying, as does the NIV: ‘May God enlarge Japheth?’ Japheth was to be enlarged and certainly has been. He has been quietly enlarging north of the Mediterranean, just waiting for ‘the Word’ from his brethren across the sea in Bethel (see Isaiah 42:4). The desire to maintain contact with their brethren from Shem was no doubt the main catalyst for building seaworthy vessels able to cross the Mediterranean Sea, to avoid the arduous and dangerous journey through the lands of the Hamites in Turkey.

Nevertheless, Canaan’s servitude to Japheth would have to wait until Shem dwells in the tents of Japheth (see Genesis 9:27), i.e. become the same people; inter-marry Shem’s descendants. There was an opportunity at Alexandria (Egypt) to satisfy Ham’s obligation to serve Japheth, but I do not believe that the debt of servitude was satisfied there—But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full: Genesis 15:16. I believe it will be a worldwide reunion of the two moral sons of Noah, but only after Shem and Japheth are reconciled to each other, which will not happen until The Branch (The Truth) grows out of the roots of The Rod (The Way) and calls the Jews from the four corners of the earth (see Isaiah 11:1b-6, 11, 12).


My second Critique

King James Version

Genesis 10:5 By these were the Isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one

after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

By these’ refers to the sons of Japheth. ‘Isles of the Gentiles’ means the Islands to which Japheth migrated, known today as the Greek Islands. The literal interpretation of Genesis 10:5 is that the related peoples from Japheth, the Gentiles, living on the northern coastline

of the Mediterranean, adjacent to a group of islands now known as the Greek Islands,

migrated north and west into Europe.

New International Version

  Genesis 10:5 From these the maritime peoples spread out into their territories by their clans within their nations, each with its own language.

As you can see, changing ‘Isles’ or ‘Islands of the Gentiles’ to ‘maritime peoples’ loses two important facts. Firstly, there are no islands on the southern coast of the Mediterranean;

the only islands are on the northern coast, so Japheth must have populated the coastline

adjacent to the Greek Islands. On the other hand, maritime peoples could be anywhere in 

the world that has a coastline. Secondly, Moses is telling us here that these are the Gentiles

that The Rod will call in Isaiah 11:10, but ‘peoples’ as used in the NIV does not convey that to me.                             

My Third Critique

 King James Version

 Genesis 11:1 And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech. 2And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

Compare this with the NIV Bible which, has Shem, Japheth and Ham travelling in the opposite direction. More proof that Bibles are not without error. One of them must be in error.

New International Version


 Genesis 11:1 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.

There is contradiction here about the direction the Sons of Noah travelled after leaving

Mt Ararat. Bearing in mind that Japheth must have gone to the coastline of turkey opposite the Greek Isles, to be called the Isles of the Gentiles in the KJV, refer to 2nd critique, and also, because the Bible says they were scattered abroad upon the face of the earth, I suspect that Babylon today, is not the original site of Bable. Ham’s descendants inhabited the area of Shinar, so I believe they built the modern town of Babylon. I believe Bable would have been far closer to, say, Harran, in Southwestern Turkey, from where Japheth would have then gone to the coastline adjoining the Greek Isles.

I believe the approved KJV bible, not the New KJV, is far closer to a literal translation than any other version, especially the NIV. Only a literal translation allows for new, inspired interpretation from God, at a later date. Whereas, once the Word has been interpreted, as does the NIV and most modern bibles, further interpretation is merely interpreting interpretation. The only bible that have confirmed all of the inspiration I have received, presumably from God, is the King James while the Hebrew to English translation confirms most. That is why I claim that God inspired the linguists and theologians leading up to the KJ Bible, as surely as He did Moses. The KJ translation is for the Gentiles, i.e., the descendants of Japheth and the Hebrew to English Bible is for Shem. Having said that, by all means, do your own interpretation, just begin with a literal translation.

What is More Important, Translation or Interpretation?

Many people will say that, without being able to read Hebrew and Greek, I could not possibly know the correct meaning of the Bible. My answer to that criticism is that thousands of people can tell me the several different English words translated from Hebrew. So, choosing the correct English word depends more on knowing what the author was trying to convey. As you can’t always go back far enough in the text to understand how Moses, less so Isaiah, was using the Hebrew or Greek word, the translator must understand God’s plan for re-separating evil from Good. It is this plan that God has conveyed to me over the last four decades.

Armed with God’s plan and quite a good forensic mind, and because I began my journey as an atheist, I was not burdened with any preconceived ideas of the current Judaea/Christian understanding, I was easily able to apply this plan to select the correct English word. You will see examples of choosing the correct word in my interpretation of the Creation shortly, which makes sense only when using a literal translation such as the King James Bible, in conjunction with God’s plan.

  Before we go there, it would help if you looked up what the early pagan Roman Christians

told us the following mysteries mean, which have not yet been answered satisfactorily by those who take pride in their ability to translate. The following sixty-nine mysteries from the Bible have had theologians ducking for cover for years. I am pleased to say that when you are aware of God’s plan to reseparate evil from Good, the explanation becomes obvious; this has enabled me to evaluate the Old Testament to detect the adulteration of the New Testament.

1. What existed before the Creation?

2. What shape is something without form? (see Genesis 1:2)

3. How is void being used in Genesis 1:2.

4. Why would our ‘all-knowing God’ not create the Sun before vegetation? (see Genesis 1:3)

5. What is the meaning of ‘Let there be a firmament to separate the waters from the

waters?’ (see Genesis 1:6)

6. What does ‘open firmament of the heaven’ mean? (see Genesis 1:14)

7. Why did Moses say that God made the stars twice? (see Genesis 1:14–16)

8. How many days did God take to create the Universe up to, and including Adam?

9. Why did God evolve so many human-like creatures, and then cause them all to

become extinct long before He created the final version?

10. If you don’t believe in evolution, what is the origin of the black and or the white races?

11. Who is the ‘Us’ in ‘Let Us make man in Our image’? (see Genesis 1:26)

12. What does God’s image look, feel, smell, or sound like, because we can’t see it? (see Genesis 1:26)

13. What is the true meaning of ‘the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil?’ (see Genesis 2:9)

14. What happened when Adam failed to prevent Eve from being tempted? (see  Genesis 3:17)  

15. Why did the serpent get the blame? (see Genesis 3:1–5)

16. Why did God say to satan, ‘Man has become like one of Us, knowing both Good and evil?’ (see Genesis 3:22)

17. Who was it that became like one of Us? (see Genesis 3:22)

18. What are the eight racial groups that occurred when Eve failed to heed her husband?

19. Where are all four river heads flowing out of Eden? (see Genesis 2:10)

20. What does the allegory of ‘God placed Cherubim to guard the way’ mean? (see Genesis 3:24)

21. Where was Eden? It certainly was not the Holy Land.

22. How could ‘a Good tree (Adam and Eve) bear bad fruit (Cain)? (see Matthew 7:18)

23. Why would Adam, the 1st host of God, have no respect for Cain? (see Genesis 4:5)

24. Why would Adam/God put a mark on Cain’s forehead and threaten a sevenfold punishment for anyone who killed him? (see Genesis 4:15)

25.  Who would it be that killed Cain?

26.  Who did Cain marry? (see Genesis 4:17)

27.  Where is the land of Nod? (see Genesis 4:16)

28.  Who were the ‘sons of God’ and who were ‘the daughters of men’? (see Genesis 6:1–2)

29.  Why would this have offended God? (see Genesis 6:5)

30.  Why did God finally decide to end all life on Earth? (see Genesis 6:7)

31 How could Noah possibly build an ark of such gigantic dimensions? 205m × 23m × 14m

32. Why did it not need to be so huge? (see Genesis 7:2–3)

33. Why was it not necessary for God to submerge the whole earth to achieve His purpose? (see Genesis 7:4)

34. Why do we have a similar flood story amongst the Arab nations?

35. What is the significance of sending out a blackbird first and then a dove? (Genesis 8:7–9)
36. Why does a loving God need sacrifices of anything, even an animal? (see Genesis 8:20)

37. What did Ham do to warrant such a punishment of his son Canaan? (see Genesis 9:2)

38. Why did Noah, another host of God punish Canaan when it was Noah who got drunk and Ham who was the deviate? (see Genesis 9:25)

39. Why would God allow a deviate like Ham to survive the flood at all? (see Genesis 9:22)

40 What does ‘being the servant of the servants of his brethren’ mean, and how long will the punishment endure? (see Genesis 9:25)

41. Why is it extremely significant that the descendants of Japheth were the ‘Island People of the Gentiles’ in the KJV, not the ‘Coastland People’ as per every other Bible? (see Genesis 10:2–5)

42. Where did Japheth move to after God said to satan, ‘Let Us go down and there confuse their language’? (see Genesis 11:9)

43 What is the significance of Japheth becoming the ‘isles of the Gentiles’ (see Genesis 10:5)

44. Who are the Gentiles? (see Genesis 10:5)

45. Why does the Church believe that God was punishing the boys, when all He said was, ‘Because they do this, now nothing will be denied them’? (see Genesis 11:6)

46. Where did Shem and Ham migrate to? (see Genesis 11:8–9)

47. Where is the site of the original tower of Babel? (see Genesis 11:8)

48. How could God justify giving someone else’s land to Abram? (Gen 12:6–7)

49. If God was really protecting Abraham, why are there so few blood descendants, as compared to Ham and Japheth’s millions of descendants? (see Gen 12:2; Gen 13:16; Gen 15:5)

50. Why did Abram require his wife to lie about their relationship? (see Genesis 12:11)

51. How long did Sarai spend in the bed of the pharaoh? (see Genesis 12:15)

52. Why did the pharaoh bestow such embarrassingly lavish gifts on Abram for his deceit? (see Genesis 12:16)

53. Who was ‘the one born in mine house, is mine heir’? (see Genesis 15:3)

54. After God promised Abram an heir from his own bowels, why would he take it on himself to obtain one through an Egyptian pharaoh? (see Genesis 16:2)

55. Sarai was the mother of Ishmael, but more importantly, Abram was not his biological father (see Genesis 12:15)

56. What does it mean that ‘Ishmael shall be a wild man, his hand will be against every man and every man’s hand against him, and he shall dwell in the presence of his brethren’? (see Genesis 16:12)

57. If Abram had been fertile, how many offspring would he have fathered by his ninety-ninth year? Surely more than just Ishmael? On the other hand, if Sarai was the fertile one, she still would not have had any other children because she would not have dared to commit adultery.

58. Which are the twelve mighty nations of Ishmael? (see Genesis 17:20)

59. How could Moses have written the Torah? He would hardly even have known he was a Jew for the first eighty years of his life.

60. If you accept that Isaiah 42:1–3 is referring to Jesus, then how can you deny that Jesus was chosen by God to call the Gentiles of Japheth? He was certainly quietly spoken. He did not condemn or criticize us for anything. He only began The Judgment, and the ‘Island people of the Gentiles’ responded to His call. (see Isaiah 42:4)

61. What was it that finally caused God to decide that the time for the Saviour had come?

62. Why did God send Jesus to the Jews first, when He specifically wanted Jesus to call the Gentiles who He had left unattended from the time He sent Japheth to the Islands of Greece and beyond?

63. Why was Jesus wrong in many of the statements He made? (see Matthew 16:28; Mark 9:1)

64. Why did God want Jesus to send Paul to the Gentiles with a very different message,

i.e. no Torah and no circumcision? It was always going to cause terrible conflict.

(see Isaiah 11:10; Romans 2:25–26; Galatians 2:3, 7, 9)

65. Why do you think God has not allowed even ‘a trace of the descendants of the disciples to survive and almost no first-hand testimony of the real message that Jesus taught?’

66. Where could the Roman Christians possibly have found the genealogy of Mary, or any Jewess for that matter? The Jews were undeniably a paternal society. Noah’s wife didn’t even get a name, and neither did any women from Eve to Sarai.

67. Why did God wait another two thousand years to judge the world of sin?

68. How will the Branch growing out of the Rod in Isa 11:1b, i.e. a descendant of Jesus, return as the Holy Ghost, judge seven billion individuals fairly in less time than it took God to create the primitive Earth? There are only 86,400 seconds in a day and seven billion to judge. At one second per person that would take Jesus 222 years, judging 24/7, to judge all of us. However, by the time He has judged all of us, there will then be 176 billion of us to be judged.    (see John 16:13–16)

69. When will all this happen? (see John 16:11; Isaiah 11:11–12)




Despite God having created this beautiful universe and the reputation we have given Him, there are some things He cannot do, mostly relating to our free will, but He also did not know what would evolve during the evolution stage of the Creation. However, God does know everything from the past and the present, and although He can influence the future by

inspiring us to make something happen, He cannot know what we are going to do, until we think about what we are going to do. For instance, if I run a red light and kill or injure someone, God will not know it is going to happen, unless it was premeditated, which means I would have thought about it first. Having said that, if it supports His plan, He can limit the degree of injury my stupidity might cause, we might call it luck. Nor did God know for sure if Eve would listen to Adam or that Cain would kill his brother Abel, until they made up their own minds. Nor did He know if Jesus would agree to be the Way, otherwise, God would not have needed to test Him.

Although God knew what Jesus was thinking, He could not know what He was going to think or do next. Nevertheless, God could influence what Jesus would do, as He could the thoughts of everyone descended from Adam clamouring for Jesus’ death at the crucifixion, because mostly, they were His soldiers from either Shem or Japheth. But the most important thing God cannot do is to judge us; perfection cannot judge imperfection. By this, I mean that on a scale of zero to ten, with satan at zero and God at ten, where are we? We cannot be as perfect as God, and neither can we be as evil as satan; that is why, before He ascended, Jesus passed on judgement to one of us, i.e., the Comforter. The Comforter is the Branch growing out of The Rod in Isa 11:1b, The Helper, the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Ghost, who is a descendant of Jesus Isa 53:10 come like a thief in the night to show God what humans are capable of, because it is He who will experience the difficulty of living in the twenty-first century and become the opposite side of the Narrow Gate to Jesus. If you are no worse than the Holy Ghost’s morality, you will be unlikely to disrupt Heaven, so God will call you to join the New Salvation Army, but if you are worse than that, you will not know what is happening.

Because we have free will to choose right from wrong, neither God nor satan can impose their will on our spirit, any more than we can on theirs. However, as with those at the trial of Jesus, God was able to manipulate the Jews to clamour for the crucifixion of Jesus, and the Gentiles to claim Him as the Messiah. However, God would have had no influence over the Arabs had they been present.

Although God is unable to know what we will do, He can influence what we do and fulfil a prophecy of a prophet, because what He inspires to them, is what He intends to do.

A fictitious example of how He might influence the outcome of what we think about doing, is if I decide to kill someone and get into my car to carry it out. God can then prevent the car from starting. I might say, “Never mind, I’ll ride my bike.” So away I go, until halfway there my tire blows out. That’s OK, I decide, I’m nearly there; I’ll walk the rest. Undeterred, off I go again with my knife, my baseball bat, my gun, and my bow and arrows, when for no apparent reason, the glue on my new pair of shoes fails, and the soles come completely off, as they regularly do, until I am walking on the rough gravel path in my bare feet. About now, I should be thinking, “Maybe I shouldn’t do this,” but no, I don’t believe in fate, I’m still going to do it. So now, God takes a different tack, He talks into the mind of my victim and alerts him to the possibility that someone might be coming to kill him. Forewarned, he gets a bucketful of boiling oil and mounts it over the door. As you can see, there are many things God can do to influence our actions if He wants too. But we are mostly judged by our actions, not by our thoughts, so He rarely interferes unless our actions are interfering with His plan to reseparate evil from Good. 

Incidentally, the temporary patch my intended victim used to repair the hole in the bucket fell off, the boiling oil spewed out, set fire to the house, and destroyed both the house and my intended victim, which saved me the trouble.



Creation or Evolution

The belief that a speck of dust miraculously expanded into the universe, as scientists claim, is no more believable than Creation. But for another speck of dust to spontaneously sprout legs and wings is even more unbelievable. So, also, is science’s claim that the reason there are humans on every land mass on Earth is that they must have walked around the world while the tide was out. Never mind that the tide was only out because Earth was many degrees colder than today. In fact, so cold that there was just no way they would have found anything to eat and certainly would not have had any way to survive the freezing temperatures they would have experienced; they would have frozen.

     The main reason they come up with this ‘bulldust’ is, so they continue to receive funding to enable them to produce more ‘bulldust’. Another mystery the professional navel gazers have not even mentioned, is the ability for humans to interbreed with every other human on earth, despite their isolation for hundreds of thousands of years, at least according to the scientists. It also appears that God exterminated the many human-like creatures before He settled on our forefathers.

     The reason for this I will discuss later in my version of Creation, inspired to me as part of

God’s plan to eliminate evil from Heaven. Scientists also believe that the universe was created before Earth, whereas, when we interpret the words and metaphors correctly, which

God inspired Moses of, it shows that God created Earth, the Sun and the planets, all on day one; He then filled ‘the nothing’ with galaxies four days later.  And so, my question is, “Why is everything in the cosmos moving away from Earth?”


Assuming the Old Testament has been proven to pre-exist Christianity by the Dead Sea Scrolls, it is impossible to ignore the fact that Moses, 3000 years ago, described the formation of the universe in accord with the scientific opinion of today. The only dissent is the time it took, so you should ask yourself “How can that be?” Many people would have you believe that God created Adam from nothing or dust, but that does not ring true either, when you consider science’s evolutionary theory, which I have mostly accepted.

No matter how you look at it, evolution is a fact. Indeed, everything that we create also evolves from our first basic concept; it evolves until it is good enough, which in God-Speak means perfect. At this point, evolution slows to a minimum. It follows, 
therefore, that because we were created ‘in the image of God’, that our Father does the same thing. It is merely a matter of how long it took for God to evolve everything in His Mind. The description in Genesis says six days, which, in light of modern science, believers and unbelievers alike consider impossible. Forty years ago, I would
have agreed. However, God having inspired us to design and evolve computers to the stage they have reached in a mere seventy years, leads me to accept what He has told
me; that He does not require billions of revolutions of the primitive earth to produce the desired effect, six was enough.


It has been hard for me to accept that I have been allowed to understand God’s real plan, but I am certain that I have. I now believe that everything that happened too and on Earth, before Adam, occurred mostly in the computer-like mind of God, and at such a speed that it took only six revolutions of the Earth to occur. “Impossible!” you say? Well, what will our primitive computers be capable of after evolving for only another thousand years? What I am saying is that God can be likened to a four-dimensional, Ultimate Computer, with

the ‘nothing’ as His monitor. Everything in the Universe that He has created, including us,

already has a unique DNA, code, or formula, which one day, God will use to recreate those already departed.


Our scientists are just a blink away from resurrecting any prehistoric creature, for which we have the DNA. We can already create nanomachinery and print an entire 3D human, atom by atom, complete with internal organs, but lifeless. So, my hypothesis should not be

dismissed without full consideration, because I have an inkling that we are dealing with much more here than just my thoughts. Howbeit, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he 

will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come: John 16:13.



All that exists in the nothing is Positive and negative energy, that we know by many names, but today, mostly as God and satan.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, Positive created the heaven and the Earth, and placed it in the nothing*. However, God did not create ‘The Nothing’ because nothing is just that, nothing. 

2a And the Earth was without form and void**, 2b and darkness was upon the face of the deep:2c And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. As you can see, we can interpret verse 1:2a in various ways, and it does not make any difference whether you are literate in Hebrew or not. The important thing is that you can read this as, ‘without form and without voids’, i.e. it was without holes and therefore solid, or we can read it as ‘without form and void’, i.e. empty, which is the modern but incorrect understanding of it. Now, because science has proven that the earth began as a molten sphere, it would have to have been solid, so you can see that God inspired Moses to understand that the earth was a ball

when He told him it was ‘Without Form’. Because, if something exists at all, it must have ‘form’. So, what was Moses trying to say when he said it was without form? Although a sphere definitely has form’, you cannot tell if it is up, or down; no left no right, no front, and no back, I believe he was trying to say that it had perfect form not without form, so even then he was telling us that the Earth was not flat but was a sphere. And if it was molten, it also goes without saying that the Earth was empty, so void here has a silent ‘without’, which must mean ‘without voids or solid’, as we now know it was. In any case, if void meant empty, the words should have been, ‘devoid’ of something. Void is either a noun or a verb, never an adjective.

In Gen 1:2c where God is hovering over the face of the waters, we have already ascertained that the earth was molten, so ‘the plural waters’ could not have been H2o water, it must have been lava or liquid rock or the many different molten minerals and gaseous liquids.


Let me show you now the evidence for why I say that “Not only Earth but the whole Solar 

System was created on day one.” See figure 3 The Church’s belief that God did not create the sun until after He created vegetation, is just plain silly. It is elementary that God would have created the Sun before he created photosynthesis on day three, and I will show you in Genesis 1:3 that he did create the whole Solar System on day one, when he said, “Let there be light.” 

When you accept that Moses’ word processor was not as good as mine, you will see that he just got some of the messages he was receiving at a lightning pace, out of order. Simply by moving Genesis 1:16-18 to follow verse 3; it now reads: Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light, Genesis 1:16 and God made two great lights, 17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth; the greater light the Sun, to rule the day, and the lesser light, the Moon, to rule the night:  And God saw knew that it was good, 

so the evening and the morning was the first day; this answers several questions. By first moving verse 16 to follow 3 it eliminates the charge that ‘God ain’t all that smart’ by not  making something on day one; the Sun would be good, to provide the light necessary for 

photosynthesis that is essential for all life on Earth to survive. It also answers the charge that Moses was mistaken when he wrote that God made the stars twice. At the end of verse

16, which we have now moved to follow 3, you will find that ‘He made the stars also’ was not a mistake—God was making the rest of the solar system.

                                     Figure 3
All that exists in the ‘Nothing’ is Positive and negative energy,
which God used to create the Solar System and the Universe.


Moses used the expression ‘The evening and the morning’ in Genesis 1:5 because we began with darkness and created light to provide the morning. The stars that God made on day four, in verses 14, 15, were to form the cosmos. 


     So far, I think Moses is synchronized very nicely with science. The only conflict is time, which I won’t explore in detail yet. Suffice it to say, given what God can do in one day compared to our ability, He simply did not need the billions of years He appears to have taken to create the Universe. Inanimate objects, in their rough form, such as Earth and the solar system, He could create in one day; no, God did not say one hour, He took all day.


* Nothing: is just that, nothing. So, all that exists in the nothing, is the universe, which can go on expanding for all eternity, until the distance between each item in the universe is unmeasurable. G Calvert

** Void: late 13th century, Noun: a sense of ‘empty space’, vacuum, unoccupied, vacant. From 1727, (literally a hole, therefore without void means without holes i.e. solid). Devoid: adjective 

meaning something is empty. Void as a verb meaning ‘to clear’ (some place, of something) was recorded first in c.1300; the meaning ‘to deprive (something) of legal validity’ is attested from the early 14th century also. Archaic meaning of ‘void’: to depart from; to vacate, to defecate or urinate.



Although God created the whole solar system on the first day, as shown in figure 1, He did not fill the ocean until day two when God said in Genesis 1:6, Let there be a firmament* in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters: This brings me now to what God meant when He said, “Let there be a firmament” and what it separated. If the earth was as hot and liquid as both science and Moses appear to claim, then where did the enormous quantity of water come from to fill the oceans? God now visualized the effects that billions of cubic kilometers of this prince of liquids, H2o, would have on the earth as He created it, and dumped it on the molten surface to form the expanse of firm crust


By forming the firm crust in this way, the sudden quenching fractured the firmament into several tectonic plates, as well as causing the amazing geographical features on Earth, such as the huge canyons, undersea trenches, rivers and mountains etc.


Although I haven’t done the math’s, I am sure the Sun would never have been capable of evaporating enough ‘mist’ after the oceans were formed, to cause the deluges that our Earth appears to have experienced. The Church’s ill-conceived understanding of firmament, is that ‘the firmament’ is something that separates the ocean, which couldn’t have existed on a molten Earth, from the water in space, which didn’t exist yet, so where is the firmament? And I’ll bet they can’t define exactly where that starts and finishes either. ‘Firmament’ in the dictionary must also have been derived from the Bible because it also says that it is the sky. However, when I went to school, ‘firm’ meant hard, and ‘ment’ meant ‘a state of’. So, God was ordering a state of hardness to separate the liquid earth below from the H2o liquid that He then created to cool the liquid rock, to form a crust and fill the oceans above. This interpretation is a case of applying the question to the known answer, which, as I said, allowed me to choose the correct English word to convey what Moses was trying to say. While hovering over the waters on the second day, the time it took for The Spirit of God to revolve and evolve the rough earth, became the speed at which the earth would spin for all eternity.

                                                 Figure 4                                                    

So, God quenched the earth and formed the ‘firm-surface’, but it was still covered with water when Moses, mistakenly, called the new firmament Heaven. Note the capital ‘H’ in Genesis 1:8. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.” Capitals were rarely used, even when referring to God, so this is the first indication that God intends the  earth to be The Heaven of eternity.


Genesis 8:21 is another: ‘Never again will I destroy the earth for man’s sake.’ Now, look at the lower case ‘h’ in heaven in Genesis 1:9, And God said: ’Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear. Here Moses was

obviously only referring to the sky or space. I say ‘mistakenly’, because Moses calls the water-covered firmament ‘Heaven’, while the dry land, when it occurred, He only called earth. See Genesis 1:10, And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: And God saw knew, (God only sees through the senses of His host, which he does not have yet), that it was Good. What Moses was saying though, is significant; it is just that he meant the dry part of the firmament to be Heaven, and the submerged firmament, the earth or dirt. Undoubtedly, he is telling us that one of them is Heaven, and obviously that would be Pangaea, the beautiful Garden of Eden. Most modern Bibles have totally lost this connection.

Moses wrote that God drew the water into one place to let the dry land appear; the important thing in this, however, is how God drew the water into one place. Today we know that God would not have drawn the water into one place, He did it the other way around. Using continental drift, God moved these tectonic plates to form the supercontinent of Pangaea, and it was this that moved the water into one place, see figure 4. It was the continents of Pangaea that were, are, and always will be, HEAVEN. Albeit, sadly in need of restoration and culling. Considering that Moses should not have known anything about continental drift or that the land was at one time all one mass, I believe that the slight errors

Moses made, as to which was Heaven, were only typo errors. Therefore, his description of the order and method of creation was extremely accurate.

* The only translation to be used for the Hebrew word “רָקִיעַ i.e. raqia,” in verse Gen 1:6 is expanse, not firmament. “Let there be an expanse (of something)”. 

In the mid-13th century, ‘firmament’, from the Latin firmamentum, or firmus ‘firm’, literally means a support or strengthening. See adjective ‘firm’ used in Vulgate to translate Greek stereoma, meaning ‘a firm or solid structure’ and which, in the Old Testament, translated the Hebrew raqia, a word used for both ‘the vault of the skyor ‘the floor of the earth’. Literally, it means ‘expanse’ from raqa—‘to spread out’, but in Syriac, it means ‘to make firm or solid’.




Now that the H2o liquid that God created to quench the earth has cooled sufficiently, which would have only taken about ten hours in the computer Mind* of God, He created the first single-celled, living matter, and held the DNA or formula, in His Memory (RAM—Random Access Memory).    

  God did not say that He would, or even could, go straight from nothing to sophisticated

animals, such as elephants or indeed Man. No, because we are created in God’s image, He used the same technique that we use when we create something. We start with 

something simple and improve on it until it is perfect. The only difference between God evolving things and our creation, is that, as I said, He does not need billions of years to accomplish it.

Scientists say, “Give us one miracle, and we can explain the rest of Creation”. The miracle they crave, of course, is the first spark of life, popularly known as the God Particle. However, that was only the beginning, had they been given that one miracle, they still would have failed, because once God managed to convert energy into matter and then living matter, He did not just sit back and let it happen. Having created the first living matter in its simplest

form, He used the DNA of that microscopic, little critter, to reproduce many Googolplexes** of identical copies, with which He seeded the new oceans of the world, See Figure 5. The infinite variety of habitats they found themselves in, from the deepest ocean to the sandy

beaches, meant that perhaps many trillions failed to survive. However, all around the world little pockets found favourable conditions and thrived. Of the countless number that God originally released, only a very small percentage, possibly only 0.1 percent, not only survived but also thrived, and with a little help from God, many managed to reproduce themselves. Those that did not survive settled into the firmament to become oil. Because every one of these first life-forms had the same DNA, it appears that every living thing on the planet has come from one speck of life. However, if that had been the case, the countless life forms of today and known to have existed in the past, would have taken infinitely longer to evolve, if that could have even been possible.

    Figure 5 cyanobacterial algal bloom on a very salty sea     


    Now that the Creator was receiving feedback from the vegetation that He had created by sped-up evolution, not time, He was able to provide them with the necessary conditions to prosper and so He was pleased with what was evolving in the sea and saw felt now, that it was good. Genesis 1:13. So the evening and the morning were the third day.


     * The puny computers of today, which we have been inspired to build, serve merely to prove that computers can do in an instant what was previously considered impossible. Add to this the fact that, by Genetic engineering, we can already create a new species almost overnight, and you can see that the inspiration I have received is quite conceivable; God is just so far ahead of us.


** A Googleplex is the number 1010 to the power of 100 or 10 plus so many naughts that you get tired of adding them




On the fourth revolution of the Earth, God made the countless stars, planets, moons and meteorites, sufficiently finished so as to appear as if they all originated from one event, called the big bang; this was intended to provide us with an alternative to creation, so we did not have to obey the ten commandments or believe in God, just because there was no other alternative. God only wants volunteers not pressmen.

The whole universe conforms to all the laws of physics that God put in place for when we begin to explore the unexplorable. Remember also, when God made our sun and moon on the first day, they were just like two extra grains of sand on a beach when compared to the number of suns and galaxies that He made on the fourth day, See figure 6. When we have explored all of those, He will make us some more.

While God allowed the vegetation to continue evolving during day four as well as day three, He also said on day four, Genesis 1:14 Let there be lights in the firmament of the 

heaven, to divide the day from the night. There is that word ‘firmament’ again, and from 

my previous dissection of the word, it may well be being used in the sense of the ‘expanse’ of the heaven this time, but I believe it is also referring to what sort of heaven it was. In this case, firmament, as used here, would also be an adjective confirming that the ‘lights’ would be firm or solid, not just light bulbs.


                                          Figure 6                                           

     God appears to have created the stars from an explosion from a single point. Some scientists call this the big bang, but they don’t seem to realize how absurd that sounds, that every bit of matter in the cosmos just happened to have been condensed into a space the size of a pin head, or even a single atom. To believe that everything in the universe could have come from a single point, or a single atom, and not consider the possibility that the Creator was that single point, is worse than ignorant, it is just plain stupid. Remember, Genesis 1:15-17 have already been moved to follow Gen 1:3 and as I said, ‘He made the stars also’, refers to the planets, not the stars. Genesis 1:18,19 18And God saw felt that it was good. 19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day: 


Genesis 1:20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth:

By day five, millions of threads of the primitive life that God had seeded the oceans with, had evolved into some very sophisticated plant life; some of which, one way or another, had managed to become mobile by the end of day four. By providing favourable conditions for them, marine animals followed, evolving into every conceivable sea creature by the end of day five; see figure 7. Many developed into dangerous or destructive marine animals, as they did on land later, and needed to be destroyed. However, finding their fossil-remains at the bottom of the ocean is far more difficult than on land. The occurrence of sea creatures before land creatures also unifies Genesis with science and is another great example of the correct chronological order mooted by Moses three thousand years ago. Many animals that appear to have become extinct by real or imaginary catastrophes did not all die, many evolved into smaller and less destructive specimens, as did the dinosaurs. See the section ‘Day Six A.M.’ for the demise of the dinosaurs. Stromatolites (stre’ mat-o-lites’) are the oldest form of life found so far on the planet. They can be traced back at least 3.5 billion years, God time and 130,000 years or there abouts, Earth time. There are over 170 known types of ancient stromatolites, which are believed to have diversified depending on different radiation patterns and local water conditions. No doubt provided by God.


Stromatolites are rock-like objects formed in shallow waters by living single celled micro-organisms, cyanobacteria, bound together in successive layers of carbonate sediment grains. Cyanobacteria come in population densities of over 3 billion organisms per square meter.

Today there is still no evidence as to what these early, but not original, life forms have transitioned from.

There having been millions or trillions of trillions of identical starting points, allowed for a huge variation to occur in just a few generations. Therefore, it is probable that most life forms have never evolved into or from another species, but merely evolved intra-species from the beginning. Although these life forms all started with the same DNA, they evolved in isolation into flora, then into fauna that could move independently in their water environment to form billions of distinctly different marine plants and animals. By this time, these life forms had nearly as many ways of reproducing themselves as there were species. 

By the time the first marine animals crawled out of the sea on day six, there were probably millions of different animals that left the water for the land, and once again, none of these 

had any similarity and were not recognizable as having come from the same start, and yet 

their DNA said otherwise. Because of the multiple beginnings, it was not only possible but highly probable that one or more of the seeded threads would end up looking almost identical, but unable to breed with each other.

The millions of different amphibious creatures, derived from an equal number of different threads, adapted quickly to the perfect environment on Pangaea that God had prepared for them just yesterday. Each of these creatures left the ocean in a different way on their evolutionary journey, some walked with hundreds of legs, some slithered away, some half walked half flew away, some remained amphibious, some never returned to the sea, some had long tails and laid eggs, while others laid eggs but were well on the way to becoming huge or destructive. Unfortunately for Jurassic Park, because of the lack of predators, most egg-producing land animals at that time had no necessity to produce larger or a greater number of eggs; this then led to their extinction when the mammalian thread finally got going and found the eggs and chickens delicious, and still do. Fortunately for us, the egg-laying animals, including dinosaurs, were unable to voluntarily lay more or larger eggs, and so each had to begin evolving again.

I will discuss later why I claim that dinosaurs that mostly came from individual threads were not wiped out by a catastrophic event, but over the equivalent of a few million years, which is only a few minutes in computer time, i.e. God time, were forced to begin evolving again. The thousands of different birds all appear to have evolved from one original fluke of nature, but that is not correct either; there are thousands of species of birds because there were thousands of different dinosaurs from which they evolved, but how they evolved, I will explain later. By midnight on day five, amphibious marine animals had evolved to the point that God was now able to use the DNA of these creatures as starting points for animals to populate the land. The more creatures that God had to work with, from different threads on different shorelines, the less time would be necessary to evolve land animals and eventually Man. While vegetation took two days to evolve from the minute starting points, thanks to the mass of genetic information God now held, marine animals took only one day to evolve from the plant life, while land animals and Man took only half a day each. By the end of day five, Genesis 1:21 God now saw (through the eyes of His sea creatures), ‘that it was good. 23 so the evening and the morning was the fifth day’.




 Genesis 1:24. And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so:

      By the end of the fifth revolution of Earth, the Holy Spirit turned His attention to facilitate population of the land. Living creatures to God were like moving graphics on our computers; it was a whole new ball game and took our Father a great deal of effort on day six a.m. to evolve every form of life that had crawled, swam, slithered, and walked out of the sea, into an apparently different animal, bird or insect on every shore. By starting with what had just crawled out of the sea God initiated a little variation with every reproduction. Sometimes, He even started again until they reached what He considered suitable to be at the birth of Adam, albeit different animals north of the demarcation line in 

Gondwana to those in Laurasia, as seen in Figure 8.

     As I said earlier, God did not say that He would or even could go straight from nothing to elephants or cattle, (Let the earth bring forth the living creature) but by now He had a massive amount of DNA from the plants and marine creatures, which helped tremendously with the creation of land animals; this head start is not to say that some of the animals that evolved from the countless creatures, which God had encouraged to crawl out of the sea all over the world, were not failures. Some animals, like the dinosaurs, whose entire existence on Earth was a mere two or three hours of sped up evolution, before noon, on day six, were just too large and destructive. God, therefore, facilitated their extinction by providing conditions favourable to the various marine creatures that eventually evolved into agile

carnivorous mammals. These swift and agile mammals were easily able to avoid the five-story-high dinosaur mother, to feast on their eggs, merely the size of a football and the rabbit-sized chicks. Unable to voluntarily increase the number, or size, of the four or five football-sized eggs that they laid, the female dinosaurs did the only thing they could to


                                Figure 8 Day 6 am,

land animals spread throughout Pangea from, observably about 350 million BC earth time or five and a half days God time.

prevent them from being plundered; they laid their eggs higher and higher. By this simple strategy, any chicks that were smaller and that had evolved anything to slow their fall from the nest (feathers would be good, especially as the gene for feathers had already evolved) stood a better chance of survival. Eventually, most evolved into birds, while the rest just went extinct as the mammals killed and ate their offspring. A meteorite? No, I don’t 

believe God would have used an instrument as blunt as a meteorite. He only wanted to

eliminate a few destructive species, as He had done many times previously.

While you might argue that the evolution of dinosaurs into birds is proof of evolution between species, it is not. A duck is just the current form of a single thread that began long

ago and passed through many changes, including a duck-billed dinosaur, to arrive at its present form. On the other hand, a turkey was the thread of a different dinosaur, and due to the same survival pressures, it also ended up as a bird, but with no possibility of it evolving into a cow or a horse. All that happened was that each different dinosaur species realized that they had to lay their eggs higher to avoid being consumed by mammals. Most of the dinosaurs that God inspired to lay their eggs higher, over time, evolved feathers to slow the fall of the chicks from the nest, until eventually, each different dinosaur ended up as a separate species of bird. What I am saying, is that every living thing on the planet had its individual beginning and is the current form of that particular thread. It may have changed over the millennia, due to the varying conditions provided by God, but each change will be traceable back to an earlier version of the same thread.

Contrary to what some scientists believe, evolution between species, if not impossible, would be very rare, and may never have occurred, which is why creationists continue to maintain, incorrectly, that God created every living thing as it is. Although a gorilla and a

chimpanzee are both recognized as primates, they are not able to interbreed, because they 

have evolved from a different thread. With dogs, however, which are equally as diverse as

primates, the smallest can breed with the largest because they all evolved from the same

thread, presumably the wolf. Even then, there are similar looking animals such as foxes and coyotes, which cannot breed with dogs, because they originated from a different thread.

Just how many human-like creatures evolved on different threads, we will never discover

for ourselves. However, they started popping up the equivalent of a few million years ago, but so far, we have never found earlier specimens to establish what thread they are on. However, I have been inspired to believe that none of them were part of our line. It was their poor temperament, i.e., their lack of care and responsibility, which caused them to go extinct, as has every human-like animal. God could easily transfer some of their physical

DNA to his chosen primates, but He had no control over their disposition. Plus, I suspect God did not think the planet was large enough for us as well as half-human creatures and I think I know why.

God guided evolution on earth to go in the direction He wanted. He merely varied the

conditions over which He had control, such as geological upheavals, continental drift, climate, the movement of celestial bodies, the difference between the parents and offspring,

longevity, and yes, Murphy’s Law (chance), to name but a few. Using these variances and his ability to inspire most every living thing, He was able to encourage the life forms useful to His plan. But God was also able to arrange for the extinction of anything capable of destroying His planet. Although neither plants nor animals can communicate with us, and hardly with each other, God gave both flora and fauna the ability, and a common language, to enable them to ‘think’ to Him and He to them. Language would help them to survive by giving and receiving feedback from God as to their needs.

Scientists claim that animals only think in pictures. However, through inspiration from God and hours of observation of my little black and tan foxy, Shadow, I can say without fear of contradiction, that they process what they see in their mind, as surely as we do, and for

that they need language.

A few days ago, while walking through a part of our land where my son and his friend had abandoned an old car, in which they had been bush-bashing. When Shadow saw it, he

became wary and started to bark at it, because he knew it should not be there. His mind

had processed far more than the simple picture a car conveyed. A few days later we retraced our steps, but this time the same picture produced an entirely different response: in fact, no response at all. In what language did he deduce that the car was no threat to us? Everything we see must be processed in our mind to make sense of it, and to do that we also need language.

After God confused the language of Noah’s two righteous sons at Babylon to separate them, they evolved their separate languages from what God had originally inspired to them. Language enables us to pass previous inspiration on to the next generation. However, 

animals have no language to pass on, and yet they can process what they see. Therefore, 

the inspiration I received from God that He can communicate with every living thing is more likely to be correct than what the scientists claim. There used to be many people who claimed that their plants recognized them and responded. However, the scientists laughed at that and have now closed the book on the subject. Refer to the first chapter of my book, Nullius in Verba. Mind you I am not confirming or denying that.





After consulting* with His nemesis, satan, during the afternoon of the sixth day, God chose a primate from the many contenders as the foundation member of Man. Although other

contenders that were more like humans of today, God chose the Orangutan for His host and the Chimpanzee as satan’s host, primarily for their more placid and family orientated nature but also, because both were equally intelligent and also, because He required two different starting points. Because God had the DNA of all animals that had so far evolved, He could easily upgrade the physical attributes and capabilities that the primates lacked. However, because every animal also has free will, He had no control over the more violent nature of the humanoids.

God was now well on the way to creating Man and He did not have to be an ape to know that Man should walk completely upright; would not need such a muscular body because man was to live by his intelligence, not by his brawn; And all that hair had to go,

nice coverings for the seasons would be better, and a proper opposing thumb. The apes, poor darlings, were just so clumsy.

Both potential hosts were then given a spirit and cognition ‘in the image of our Creator’, it is just that, as yet, their knowledge merely consisted of how to survive. Positive and negative had still to teach their hosts everything by inspiration into their conscience. Over the next twelve hours, God ‘fine-tuned’ both hosts to the end of day six**, until the host that was to carry the Spirit of God around was now light skinned, with auburn hair, carried the gene for blue eyes, and looked more like a Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis). See figure 9. On the other hand, the host that would carry satan around, although dark brown to black, skinned, looked more like the majority of humans today, i.e., Homo sapiens.***

Both hosts and their Eves were of equal intelligence but were still empty vessels, apart from the knowledge of the primates from whence they came. However, both were now able to learn at a much faster rate than their animal ancestors, but God and satan still had so much to convey to them that God had to allow our early ancestors to live for hundreds of

Figure 9. Showing both Edens ‘east of Eden’. Pangaea is Edan.

years before the flood. However, I also believe that this is where the timeline of the Bible is missing. God did not need Moses to elaborate on the tens of thousands of years between Adam and Noah, nor to some extent, between Noah and Abraham, because, from the time of Adam, God was no longer able to speed up evolution to the extent He had previously done.

     The claim that the early humans lived for hundreds of years is probably an understatement or even a metaphor. I believe the time when God finished creating Man from the primates, occurred more like 130,000 years ago and that the flood was closer to thirty thousand years ago. It would have been very frustrating for God, if, after finally getting His Ape-man to ‘repeat the alphabet’, he up and died at forty years or so, necessitating God to start all over again. We had to live long enough for there to be those that God was inspiring,

those able to teach others, those under instruction, and many other tasks befitting a small spirit of God.

      God never intended for orangutan-man and chimpanzee-man to interbreed. However, as

part of God’s plan to reseparate evil from good, they had to be able to. God’s plan 

necessitated that the descendants of satan’s black host, were capable of impregnating white

Adam’s females and vice versa. Had Adam and Eve remained pure, they would only have produced ‘Good Fruit’ ****, and Good would have quickly eliminated evil but Man was to, and did have, free will. Also, as per God’s plan to ground negative, God was only able to speak into the mind of His host while satan could only communicate with his host. However, neither God nor satan could communicate with women, except through the male descendants of their host.


Genesis 1:26. Because neither of the Mighty Ones have a physical image, when God said,

Let us make Man in Our image:”, of course He only meant, the image of their Spirit, which

was then implanted in the brain of the physical Man. Initially though, God did not want satan to realise that he would be in a different host and a different Eden to God. Therefore, when God inspired Moses of the location of Eden, it was only satan’s Eden that was east of Eden, in Ethiopia, while Adam’s Eden was on the west coast of Africa in Morocco. Therefore, any description of Eden being beautiful, was only in the eyes of satan.

     Genesis 2:9. And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is

pleasant, (to satan’s way of thinking), and good for food, (if you don’t mind stomach cramps

after eating it), the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of

good and evil: Yes, well, we know that was only a metaphor for misusing your free will, i.e.


While God created black people the way they are to placate the negative spirit, now that satan has been judged in John 16:11, there is absolutely no reason why they cannot also become born-again, to Nazarene Christianity. 

      Black people’s difficult but vital service to God, humouring and distracting satan, is over; they also, will soon be able to choose a brand-new body. During the imminent restoration of the planet, mixed race people must also choose which of the eight 

groups they identify with. Only your spirit matters and yours is the same colour as mine. In 

fact, our body is only energy held together by God in the form of living matter, which enables our spirit to get around. You will soon be able to create this

apparition to your liking*****.

As I have said, there is absolutely no difference in us, except aesthetically, but also, I’m 

afraid, a previous lack of knowledge inspired to black people by satan. Furthermore, to 

better enable satan to adulterate the wives of the hosts of God, he long ago evolved into a

white body; this also meant satan no longer put much effort into teaching his black soldiers. From the time God chose The Way, satan’s soldiers have been largely left under-developed. However, this does not mean they cannot eventually develop to the same extent as the soldiers for God. Negroes living in America, are evidence of this, where they have learnt from association, rather than inspiration.

For the destroyer to agree to the Creator’s plan, that humans would carry them around and through whose senses they would experience the Creation, God had to agree to satan’s stipulation that if he did not like it, he would be at liberty to destroy it, as he has done many times before. That was why initially, it was essential that God avoided telling ANYONE that there would be two hosts and two Gardens of Eden. Although the two Edens were on opposite sides of Africa, (see Figure 9) both families were able to communicate by mental telepathy, so distance did not matter. However, after Eve was adulterated, to prevent it happening again, we are told that God placed Cherubim to guard the way, but that was just an allegory because they do not exist, He merely terminated mental communication* between the two families. So, because there were two Eves, when satan’s host seduced the Eve in front of him, he did not realise it, but he was really seducing white Eve, Adam’s wife, who then gave birth to the half good and evil Cain. However, that meant that God had to immaculately conceive a son in black eve called Cain as well. As God was technically the father of this Cain, although he was also half good and half evil, he was spiritually good and therefore was only spoken to by God, who eventually led him to North American to become the founding member of the American Indians, who worshiped the Great White Spirit in the sky. Meanwhile, the half good and half evil black Cain living in Adam’s nest, having been inspired by satan to kill his step-brother Able, for which he was marked and evicted by Adam, found his way to the land of Nod and they too were called Indians.

After many thousands of years, as long as 100,000 some of black Cain’s descendants, which included the host of satan, found their way back to where they had originated and crossed over the land bridge at Gibraltar, into southern Europe where Seth’s people had moved after being evicted from Eden. It was here in Genesis 6:2, That the sons of God, from Seth, saw the daughters of men, from Cain, that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose, and vise-versa. It was then that God executed the next part of his plan. Described in chapter Noah’s Flood. Genesis 1:31. And God saw (through the eyes of His Adam), that it was good, and the evening and the morning were the sixth day:


* Initially, all communication between Spirits was done by mental communication, and distance did not yet exist.  

** The Darwinians would call this instant upgrade the missing

link, but The Spirit of Truth will explain why this was so.

*** The reason that Homo Sapiens are prominent today is because God started again after His people, with the exception of the Neanderthals Noah, his wife, his two biological sons, Japheth and Shem and their wives, died in the flood. However, when Eve was adulterated by the Homo Sapien host of satan both Cains carried the Neanderthal gene and so most races to a larger or lesser extent, carry a trace of the neanderthal gene. The two races that should not carry this gene are the original inhabitants of Africa and Australia because their foundation members were black Adam and black Eve respectfully, both of which were pure bred Homo Sapien, at least until immigrants from other races arrived and bred with them.   

**** Mathew 7:8 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit

*****All mixed-race people will have the opportunity to decide which race they belong too and will be returned to the continent of that race to evolve at their own pace.








 Genesis 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work that he had made, and rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.

          No one has given any thought to the enormous effort expended by God to create the universe. We all tend to think that nothing is impossible for our Holy Father, but some things

are not instantaneous. The complexity of the universe was a challenge, even for God, and

took all of six days to compute.

      Bright and early next morning, God was anxious to communicate to Adam the skills 

necessary for him to survive, including how to provide shelter for his family, now that he had no hair to keep himself warm. Earlier, God had led Adam to some succulent fruit and olive trees, and Adam had been admiring the magnificent and friendly animals that were passing. This is fantastic! Adam thought. That voice I keep hearing in my head reckons He made me, and everything else, and that I must do what He tells me, but how am

I to know if He even exists? I know, next time I hear God walking in the garden, I’ll tell Him 

I’m lonely, He might be able to make me a friend so that I can pass on everything that He

teaches me; that would convince me. Why would he deny God you might ask? Well, because

he could not see God. Adam only believed or rejected that the voice that he was hearing in 

his head was from God, but he had no proof, so he was free to choose from the very

beginning. Meanwhile, somewhere down the road, the poor old black host of satan is not wondering where he came from, but why he came at all. “This bastard that I keep hearing 

in my head, or over there, or somewhere, laughs every time a savage animal chases me up 

a tree, that’s if you can call it that; it’s rotten, and there are thorns all over it. The voice told

me how to bind some sticks together to make a shelter, but it doesn’t keep the rain or the sun off me, and that bitter fruit he told me I could eat nearly made me throw up. I hate it here.” And so the evil spirit was delighted and saw no cause to destroy anything. Negative thought, “Positive has finally made something I don’t want to destroy. Just let them suffer.

Positive can rest. I’m going to see how much pain and suffering I can cause, but I had better make sure my host doesn’t die.”

To be continued











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