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Writer: Gerald CalvertGerald Calvert

Updated: Apr 7, 2024

When God created, not only the Earth, but the entire Solar system on day one, (Gen 1:16 should follow verse 1:3), it was to provide us with not only light, but also an infinite source of power, the utilization of which, God left to us to discover. However, as we had still not discovered how to take full advantage of that gift during the 130,000 years since Creation gave way to evolution, and because we have almost destroyed our beautiful planet, God planted the seed of the third and more visually and environmentally friendly method of harnessing the Sun’s energy, and then left it to me to refine it. However, many years later, no sooner had I achieved the design for an engine that can convert the thermal energy extracted from moving air and water, into kinetic energy, electricity or fresh water, then I was forbidden to release it until I have used it to unify the three major religions of the world.

God created the entire Solar system on day one.

Gen 1:16 should follow verse 1:3

Fortunately, because of my lack of preconceived understanding of the Bible, as opposed to those who have set ideas, God was able to inspire me, as He was with Moses who hardly knew he was a Jew until he was eighty, with a new, more logical understanding of Genesis and Isaiah, which I am sure, will in time, unify the three major religions. I am now able to show God’s first people, i.e., the descendants of Shem, that although Jesus was not the Christos, nor the Messiah, when He was chosen from the descendants of King David, Isa 42:1 and 11:1a, He was The Way, but not yet the Truth or the Life. However, after the 'prince of this world' was grounded in 1945, the end of the beginning began when one of the Spirits descended from the Way, was chosen from the many Branches that grew out of the Rod, Isa 11:1b. When God chose One of these Branches, it is He, who is The Truth. The Truth, who is also the “Spirit of Truth,” will now call the Jews from the four corners of the earth Isa 11:11,12, but not with 12,000 angels because angels do not exist, but with the power of great wealth that this engine will provide to buy back the world, for the meek, i.e., the underprivileged.

I also hope to prove to Muslims who uphold good over evil, that in the book of Genesis, which they also believe, it was Abraham who was infertile, not Sarah. There is indisputable evidence that Hagar was a furphy and that Abraham, in order to obtain an heir, allowed Sarah to be impregnated by Pharaoh Abimelech, the then host of satan, leaving a cuckoo in Abraham's nest, as he had in the nests of Adam and Noah. Therefore, Mohammed was wrong when he claimed descendance from Abraham through Ishmael; this then denies his claim that he was the next prophet after Jesus. So, it follows that his visit to Jerusalem was not inspired by the God of Abraham. At best, Mohammed was inspired by his pagan god, but really, he was only an invading force when he invaded Jerusalem and compelled the burgeoning Pauline Christian population to convert to his adulterated version of Judaism. If Muslims still hope for eternal life, then they must worship Yahweh, but follow the real teachings of Jesus, not the distorted version of Jesus that God sent Paul to call the Gentiles of Japheth with. Isa 11:10.

Finally, the Spirit of Truth will explain why God facilitated the Pauline Christians to adulterate the beautiful message of Jesus. Briefly, as God could not be the aggressor, He called Paul to teach a distorted version of what He spent 33 years teaching Jesus; this was to further deceive satan into believing that he was strong enough to take over the world, which was why God had been allowing the descendants of Ham, from the time of Abraham, to continually decimate the Jews, until satan believed that his soldiers would succeed, if he led them to exterminate God’s soldiers and therefore God. The separation of Shem and Japheth in Babylon, so that satan could only follow one or the other, successfully protected Japheth in Europe, from adulteration by satan for 30,000 years. But now God would continue the separation theologically to deceive satan into believing that these pagan, barbarian Christians from Japheth, who killed Jews as willingly as the Jews killed Christians, would not interfere if he attempted to annihilate the few remaining Jews.

Fortunately, despite the Gentiles having been allowed to become pagan barbarians, because they were descended from Japheth, Noah’s other righteous son, God was still able to speak into the mind of the Christians to inspire them to go to the aid of their brethren, and so, in 1945, the prince of this world was judged. The demise of Hitler, “the prince of this world,” was the event that God had been waiting for, it allowed Him to choose a descendant of The Way, as the Spirit of Truth, i.e., the Holy Ghost. And it is He, who “will not choose by what He hears or sees,” but after also being forgiven His prior sins, will become a living example of the average righteousness that we humans must attain. Be warned though, faith will no longer do it for you. After we have all been born again to The Truth of what Jesus really taught, you will not be acceptable to God unless you are as righteous or better, than the Spirit of Truth by the time the role closes sometime during the twenty years allowed for children to reach the age of reason; this will begin when the Jews drive the first solar car nonstop from Adelaide to Darwin, in the World Solar Challenge.

Obviously, there is much more to the Creator’s plan to eliminate the destroyer, so please stay in touch on my web site “THE PAPACY CAN NOW END” or GERALD CALVERT

Know the Truth and I will set you free.

God bless all those who bless others

The Spirit of Truth



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