Despite God having created this beautiful universe and the reputation we have given Him, there are some things He cannot do. God cannot know the future entirely, mostly related to our free will. However, God does know everything from the past and the present, and although He can influence the future and inspire us to make something happen, He cannot know that I am going to run a red light and kill or injure someone. Having said that, if it supports His plan, He can limit the degree of injury my stupidity might cause.
You may find this difficult to believe, but God did not know, for sure, that Eve would not listen when Adam told her that God had warned him that they must not listen to the voice of satan's host in their head, tempting them to do something they must not do. Because Cain was the bastard son of satan and a cuckoo in Adam’s nest, God knew that it was very likely that he would push Abel out of the nest by killing him, but Cain also had freewill so He did not know for certain that he would.

We give credit to the prophets, such as Isaiah, for their prophecy of what is to happen, but they are merely prophesizing what God intends to do when the time comes. God inspired Isaiah of the knowledge that He would choose a descendant of Jesse as the Way, and to call the Gentiles, and that is exactly what He did, but for the reason I will explain later, God inspired Paul and Constantine to contradict that. Because Joseph and Mary were the most-righteous couple to have descended from King David, it was very unlikely that they would produce bad fruit, nevertheless, their Son Jesus still had to be tested to be sure that He was suitable to be His ‘Elect’ Servant. Although God knew everything Jesus was thinking, He could not know what He was going to think or do next, otherwise, it would be a preordained world, and freewill would be superfluous. If we did not have freewill, judgement would be irrelevant.
Because most everyone present at the crucifixion of Jesus were God’s soldiers from either Shem or Japheth, God was able to influence what was going to happen, by planting suggestions in their brain, such as crucify Him*. But the most important thing God cannot do is to judge us; perfection cannot judge imperfection. By this I mean, on a scale of zero to ten, with satan at zero and God at ten, where are we? We cannot be as perfect as God and neither can we be as evil as satan, that is why God left Judgement to one of us, namely The Way. However, before He ascended, Jesus passed Judgement on to The Truth, i.e., The Spirit of Truth, who would not judge by what He sees and hears. Jesus and His wife, John Joan Zebedee, fulfilled what God had inspired to Isaiah in 53:10, they produced seed. After 2000 years, some of that seed remained as good as was Jesus and some of it followed the path of evil. However, God was now able to choose a Branch growing out of the Rod of average righteousness, as a living example of what humans are capable of. The Spirit of Truth is also known as the Truth, the Branch, the Helper, the Comforter, and the Holy Ghost, but definitely not the Holy Spirit, which is God.
· * Although the crucifixion of Jesus was primarily to provide The Way to salvation for all, the Jews calling for His crucifixion, was of equal importance, because it would eventually maintain the separation of Shem and Japheth that God initiated in Babylon shortly after the flood. After God chose Paul, through Jesus, as the ensign to fulfill the prophecy in Isa11:10, He inspired Paul to believe that he had seen Jesus alive again on the road to Damascus. As a result of this experience, Paul and then Constantine contradicted Isa11:1a claiming and teaching the Gentiles of Japheth that Jesus was the son of God and that the Jews had killed the Saviour; this was a necessary part of God’s plan to convince satan that these hoards of people living in Europe, would not come to the aid of those that he knew as God’s people, if he tried to annihilate them. The next part of the plan to destroy satan, was to ensure that the hatred the Gentiles now had for the Jews for killing the Saviour, was reciprocated. When God inspired Paul to adulterate the Law by claiming that their monotheist God had a son, that Torah study and circumcision were no longer part of the Abrahamic covenant, the Jews were now as keen to kill Christians as the Christians were to kill Jews. And so, satan was satisfied they would never interfere if he tried to annihilate the Jews to become “prince of this world for all eternity.” But they did in 1939.
We will not know when Jesus returns for the second of His three appearances, because this time, the Holy Ghost has returned like a thief in the night. (We will not know, for sure, that He is here). But it will be He who experiences the difficulty of living in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and if you are no worse than the Holy Ghost’s average morality, over the period of twenty years necessary to allow newborn children to mature and choose, then you will be unlikely to disrupt Heaven, so God will call you to join the revised Salvation Army. I repeat, because we have free will to choose right from wrong, neither God nor satan can tell what we will do next, nor impose their will on our spirit, any more than we can on theirs. However, as with those at the trial of Jesus, God was able to inspire the Jews to clamour for the crucifixion of Jesus, and the Gentiles to claim Him as the Messiah. However, He would have had no influence over any descendants of Ham, had they been present.
Know the Truth and the Truth will set you free
Gerald Calvert