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There are over ten books written called THE LAST POPE, but none have offered an explanation as to why Pope Francis will be the last pope.


Saint Malachy’s 12th-century prophecy will be fulfilled when the revelations revealed in this book, unite the Jews, Christians and Muslims, under one revamped, Christian denomination.  


“The Papacy Can Now End” will show the Jews that Jesus was the right Messiah but the wrong time. When Jesus returns as The Holy Ghost, then He will be their true Messiah.   


We follow the separation, at Babylon, of Noah's three sons, Japheth, Shem and Ham, north and south of the Mediterranean-sea.  We witness how eventually the geographical separation of Shem and Japheth no longer provided effective protection for the Gentiles in Europe; and we see the outcome of God’s plan for Paul to adulterate Judaism and the message of Jesus, to provide continuity of separation.   


We learn that from the many descendants of King David, God chose the Son of the upright Joseph and Mary, Jesus, who was then groomed from birth by Joseph, the host of God, to be The Way to salvation. Jesus was to call these pagan barbarian Gentiles, turned Christian by decree, in such a way that Satan would not realise they were also God’s soldiers.  


“The Papacy Can Now End” will show Muslims that Ishmael was not the son of Abraham; he was Sarah’s son, so Muhammed could not have been the next prophet in the line of Jesus.   


Now, to enable the reconciliation of Muslims, Jews, and Christians, they must accept that we have all been pawns in God’s plan to re-separate evil from good, which has been hidden from us until the ‘prince of this world’ was destroyed.

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